• Post category:StudyBullet-9
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Your first steps in the Spanish language (ENGLISH SUBTITLES)

What you will learn

Spanish Conjugation

Spanish Vocabulary

Spanish Grammar

Spanish expressions and idioms


Learn Spanish in the best way!

Here you can take your first steps in the Spanish language, and I will accompany you in each step: pronunciation, words, phrases and verbs. You will also learn a little about the Latin American culture and we will analyze the gastronomy, customs and idioms of the region.

In this course you will learn about:


-Greetings and farewells

-Your first 50 words


-Fruits and vegetables


-Verbs: “ser” and “estar”


-Articles exceptions

-Regular verbs

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-Vocabulary: Home items

-Verb: “haber”


-Irregular verbs

-Reflexive verbs

-The body and its movements

– Sports

Here you will find different writing, audio, pronunciation and grammar exercises that will support you in your language Learning.

My strategy is based on memorizing and practicing each topic. In this couse you will find some audios  and short stories that you can listen, even while sleeping or doing other activities. In this way, you can repeat as many times as necessary, and then put what you have learned into practice.

I know that learning a new language might be a challenging process, but keep in mind that if you persevere in the course, you will get the results you are looking for. I will accompany you in achieving your goals, whether they are academic or professional, going from the most simple to the most complex content.

See you soon, Dear Student!


Pao Gp



About spanish

Let’s start


Memorize pronunciation

Greetings and farewells

Greetings and farewells
Short story: Flores

Your firts fifty words in spanish

Basic phrases in spanish



Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables
Short stories: In the market

Pronunciation R and RR

R and RR

Nouns/ sustantivos

Nouns/ sustantivos

Ser y estar

Differences between the verb ser and estar: Frequent uses
-Professions- occupations
Short stories: Ser and Estar

Article/ Artículo

Article/ Artículo
Article: Exceptions and practice

Verbs in present simple

Grammar regular verbs
Simple present

The weather

The weather

Home vocabulary/ verb haber

Home vocabulary
Verb “haber”


-Possessives 1
– Possessives 2

Colombian Culture

Colombia Idioms
Colombian Food

IR+A: Future

IR+A: Future

Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs (part 1)
Irregular verbs (part 2)
Irregular verbs (part 3)
Short stories: Simple present

-Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs

The body, movements, sport

Body parte 1 vocabulary
The body part 2, movements, sport
The body part 3, movements, sport