• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Python for those who believe brevity is a soul of wisdom

What you will learn

Understand and use Python

Understand and use OOP Concepts in Python

Get effectively introduced to Python Fundamentals

Understand and use Control Flow, Modules and Libraries


You are about to be introduced to Python. This course will make you understand concepts of this programming language and use them to work on whatever you wish. The ideas of the language are shown in convenient visual form.

There are 22 lectures and 5 chapters covering Instructions on getting ready, observing and trying out basic concepts of Python, studying the control flow implementation, some advanced topics in handling functions, exceptions and libraries, and, finally, object-oriented programming concepts.

By finishing this course, you will navigate in fundamental Python and OOP concepts with confidence and use them in your problem-solving routine. You will understand all the basic concepts, control flow options and object-oriented programming logic, and use it to start your development journey, improve your research, or achieve your academic goals.

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The Course will explain you Python basic concepts, Advanced topics like Control Flow and modules and libraries, and, finally, concepts of Object-Oriented Programming.

The course is designed for absolute beginners, students and researchers interested in Python.
If you want to understand Python fundamentals once and for all, but struggle with the complexity of information published up to this day, this course is for you!

Feel free to have a look at the course contents and description, and I hope I’ll see you in soon!





Getting Ready

Python General Characteristics and Spyder IDE Tour

Basic Concepts of Python

Operators. Arithmetic Operators
Assignment, Comparison Operators
Logical, Identity and Membership Operators
Python Data Structures
Numeric Type: int, float
Integers Exercise
Text Type: str
Strings Exercise: Converting
Strings Exercise: Concatenation
Sequence Type: list, tuple, range
List Exercise: Contructor and Retrieving by index
List Exercise: Sublist elements retrieval
Sequence Type: list, tuple, range. Mapping Type: dict
Dictionary Exercise
Set Type: set
Sets Exercise
Boolean Type: bool

Control Flow

Control Flow: if, elif, else; while
if, elif, else
Control Flow: for
Control Flow: continue
Control Flow: break

Advanced Concepts

try and except
try and except
Modules and Libraries

Concept of Object-Oriented Programming in Python

OOP in Python: Classes and Objects
Classes and Objects