• Post category:StudyBullet-10
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Learn risk mitigation strategy & how homeowners insurance and car insurance are used from a Certified Public Account CPA

What you’ll learn

  • Define insurance
  • Implement a risk mitigation strategy
  • Construct a personal insurance plan
  • Define property insurance and explain how it fits into a risk mitigation strategy
  • Define liability insurance and how it fits into a risk mitigation strategy
  • Describe homeowners insurance and how it fits into a risk mitigation strategy
  • Describe renter’s insurance and how it fits into a risk mitigation strategy
  • Describe car insurance
  • List the components of car insurance
  • Describe which types of car insurance may be required by law and why


  • None


This course focuses on personal finance decisions related to home and car insurance.

We will discuss the concept of insurance in general and how insurance fits into a personal finance strategy designed to medicate risk.

The course will define and explain property insurance and factors to consider when implementing property insurance planning.

We will also discuss liability insurance and how it fits into our risk management strategy.

Learners will be able to define homeowners’ insurance and how to use it. We will also discuss renter’s insurance, comparing and contrasting homeowners insurance and renters insurance.

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The course will define car insurance, break down car insurance components, and discuss which kinds of insurance may be legally required and why.

For those components of car insurance that are not legally required, we will consider when it may still be appropriate to purchase them in accordance with our personal risk mitigation strategy.

We will also have practice problems, including downloadable Excel Workbooks, which users may also open using Google Sheets.

The Excel Workbooks will generally have at least two tabs. One tab will have the answer key so learners can deconstruct the problem. The second tab is where we work the practice problem step-by-step along with the instructional videos.

Who this course is for:

  • Individual
  • Personal financial advisors