• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Useful Parenting Techniques to Cultivate Resilience in Your Child in a Fun & Engaging Way

What you will learn

Deepen your understanding about resilience.

Become aware of common myths about raising resilient children.

Learn how to cultivate resilience in your child on a daily basis.

Learn how to make this process as fun and as engaging for your child as possible.


During this course you will deepen your understanding about resilience, what it is and what it is not, why it is important and most importantly, how you can cultivate resilience in your child on a daily basis, from moment to moment.

My intention for this course is that you can learn how to make this process as fun and as engaging for your child, as possible.

This course will be particularly useful for you if your child or children are in their pre-teens or are already teenagers.

Please take your time to reflect on each lesson, write down your insights and most importantly, please actively put into practice what you are learning from this course.

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My promise to you is that acting on the information gained during the course WILL help you parent your child in a way that makes them ready to weather any storm that comes their way.

This course is a beautiful combination of tons of materials I have studied over the years about conscious parenting, the insights I have had while coaching parents from various walks of life, as well as my own reflections and personal experience.

Related to this course is another course, called “Create A Secure Attachment Style in Your Child.Β It Matters”.Β Both courses will help you on your journey of becoming the parent your child deserves to have.



Welcome message

Course Structure

What is Resilience and Why Does It Matter?

What is Resilience and Why Does It Matter?

Your Role as a Parent

Your Role as a Parent

The Importance of Cultivating Self – Awareness

The Importance of Cultivating Self – Awareness

2 Myths about Resilience

2 Myths about Resilience

The Biggest Barrier to Resilience

The Biggest Barrier to Resilience

Learning to Embrace Uncertainty

Learning to Embrace Uncertainty

Cultivating Constructive Beliefs about Challenges

Cultivating Constructive Beliefs about Challenges

Learning to Reframe Our Experiences

Learning to Reframe Our Experiences

Learning to Challenge Negative Beliefs and Self-Limiting Narratives

Learning to Challenge Negative Beliefs and Self-Limiting Narratives

Owning Our Power to Choose Our Response

Owning Our Power to Choose Our Response

Building a Support Network

Building a Support Network

Cultivating Daily Practices for Resilience

Cultivating Daily Practices for Resilience

Conclusion and The Next Steps

Conclusion and The Next Steps