Parenting in Pandemic
Tips on Mindful Parenting During Lockdown

What you will learn

Mindful Parenting

Digital Safety

Parent-Child Relation Building

Teenager Handling


Parenting in a pandemic is very very tough. Kids are also under stress due to the lockdown situation. Parents are also under stress while adapting to new normal and uncertainty of future. Being quarantined at home for months is taxing for both individuals and a family. Social distancing has robbed us of our normal schedules and routines. Children are the worst sufferers during this time. This has led them to lose their calm. They are angry with the surrounding leading them to frustration and depression.

So, this course will through some lights on how this unprecedented Coronavirus pandemic has changed the definition of parenting altogether over the last few months.

This course will also give detailed tips for parents on:

1. How to handle kids during pandemic

2. How keep yourself calm

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3. What are the activities kids and parents do together and have fun

4. How to handle teenagers and take care of their emotional safety.

4. How you can learn from WHO to keep yourself and your family safe

5. What are the cyber safety tips you should follow to protect your kids from cyber threats.

Throughout the course you will get some assignments to asses yourself. These assignments will help you to give some thoughts on your parenting skill, your self-care, well-being of you and your kids.




Opening Notes

How To Handle Children During The Pandemic

How To Handle Children During The Pandemic

Activities That Parents Can Do Together With Their Children

Activities That Parents Can Do Together With Their Children

Learn During Pandemic

Learn From WHO
General Health Hygiene Related Question

Keep Yourself Calm

Keep Yourself Calm

Digital Safety

Digital Safety
Quiz on Digital Safety

Handling Teenagers

Handling Teenagers
Quiz on Handling Teenagers