• Post category:StudyBullet-10
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Python: data types, variables, strings, manipulating strings, user input, conditionals, if/elif/else statements and more

What you will learn

Learn Python from scratch

Understand the basics of Python language

Manipulate strings and data

Understand user input

Much more…


Welcome to your start toward becoming a Python developer. This course is a coding bootcamp of how to go from zero programming experience to a professional developer. This course aims to help you learn subjects that are valuable to becoming a professional developer with Python.
Each subsequent section will be covering all the necessary basics to get us jump
started. Here is a brief overview of what you’ll learn:

· Installing Python and Anaconda

· Writing your first Python program

· Understanding data types

· How to use variables

· Seeing what you can do with strings

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· How to manipulate a string

· Understanding user input and conditional

· How to use “if” statements to make decisions

· How to use “elif” statements to make multiple decisions

· How to use “else” statements to make decisions no matter what



Intro to Python

Getting Installed
Adding Comments. Data Types
Data Types cont.
Adding Variables
Variables cont.
Working with Strings
Strings cont.
Strings cont.
Working with User Input. Type Converting
Type Converting cont.
IF Statement and Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
ELIF Statement
ESLE Statement

Intro to Python Recap and Hands-On Tasks

Int, Variables and Data Types
Type() Function
Addition: Numbers and Strings
Addition: Variables
Errors are Your Friend. Handling Errors.
User Input and Input Prompts
Comma separated string printing and printing numbers with strings using comma
Quotes in Quotes and Boolean Strings Tests
String Format Methods
Input. String Formating
Boolean ‘in’ keyword