• Post category:StudyBullet-13
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Identify and anticipate the challenges that older workers face in today’s job market.

What you will learn

How older professionals can develop a resume that makes them stand out.

Recognize job interview questions related to age and how to answer them.

Identify skills and accomplishments that job seekers can use as the foundation of career change.

Create a targeted job search recognizing the right employers to focus on.


Ageism in the job search can be a challenging issue for older professionals as it limits their opportunities and makes it difficult for them to compete with younger candidates. Furthermore, many job postings require specific qualifications or levels of education that could be out of reach for an older professional who does not have access to retraining or additional schooling. In some cases, even when an applicant is qualified and experienced enough, they may be passed over simply because of their age. This comprehensive course designed to provide older professionals the skills and resources they need to take on the job search with confidence. It offers a look at crafting an effective resume that accurately reflects their experience, preparing them for interview questions, and understanding how their unique qualifications can benefit employers. Are you an older professional looking for a job, but feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start? Participants can come away from this course feeling empowered to navigate the modern job market. Utilize our expertise to discover how your unique experiences and talents can benefit the right employer for you. Make this transition easier by understanding what employers are looking for and the benefit you can bring to them.

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Job Search

Targeted Job Search
Resume For Older Professionals
Interview Questions
Career Change At 50
Professional Network


Outdated Qualifications
Transferable Skills


Taking A Pay Cut
Benefits Of A Pay Cut

Ageism As Bias

Ageism As Cognitive Bias