• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Advocacy in Mental Health

What you will learn

Identify the need for Occupational Therapy in a Mental Health setting.

Understand the importance of advocacy in Mental Health.

Identify the many roles of Occupational Therapy in Mental Health.

Understand the purpose of a doctorate capstone in Mental Health.


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Hello and welcome to my Udemy Course on  Occupational Therapy in Mental Health!

Participants of this course will learn about the need for Occupational therapy in mental health, understand the importance of advocacy in Mental Health, and identify the many roles of Occupational Therapy in Mental Health. This Udemy course contains lectures, resources and various research articles to support Occupational Therapy in Mental Health. Also included in this Udemy course is various downloadable materials and presentations that were created to further support learning in this area. At the end of the presentation, there is a short question and answer section to assess knowledge gained as a result of this course. It will take you 36 minutes to get through the entire course, as well as view the attached resources. The development of this course is based on research, evidence based best practices and clinical experience. There are several APA references at the end. Please visit those references to further supplement learning of these topics. I love the profession of Occupational Therapy and appreciate you for taking time to learn more about what we can offer in a mental health setting!

Enjoy the course and please feel free to message the instructor to facilitate further discussion of topics related to this presentation. Thank you for your interest and happy learning!



Doctoral Capstone Overview

Needs Assessment & Literature Review
Capstone Site Information

Sensory Needs in an Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit

Artifact #1

Mental Health Advocacy within the Hispanic Community

Artifact #2

Becoming an Occupational Therapist Advocate

Artifact #3

The Importance of Mental Health Experience

Artifact #4


Questions for Participants
Acknowledgments, References, and Resources