• Post category:StudyBullet-14
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Setting up from day 0 a brand new ITIL CMDB/Asset database

What you will learn

The fundamentals of starting a hardware asset management function

How to communicate and discover what’s needed to understand the business needs

Where you start when starting to search for assets

How to manage internal and external auditing


You have been asked to set up a brand new shiny asset management function within a company that has been trading for years. How do you set up the service whilst ensuring you meet the business need? How do you ensure that you as a service are protecting yourself from being expected to have a 100% accurate CMDB?

This no nonsense course will give you a no-nonsense guide on how to do exactly that:

1. what actions will you need to take before you even start tracking

2. how you get your function known and working together with other teams

3. Basics of writing policy and process documentation for hardware asset management

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4. How to kick off the hunt of finding assets

5. Why auditing is ok and should not be scary and how you own it

6. A breakdown of new courses that will be coming in the very near future.

The objective of the course is to allow the user to know the first things they need to do in an existing workplace that is introducing asset management as a new function, and how you have to create manual processes to achieve the first basic steps on getting a functional central source of data created.



Quick guide to starting up a Hardware asset database

Rule 1: Understand the need
Rule 2: Telling them your job
Rule 3: Setting expectations
Rule 4: Get it all written down
Starting the hunt and auditing