• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Install a simple easy-to-Change wealth language that will alter your neural tracks & hardwire your brain for success!

What you will learn

Identify common powerful phrases across cultures globally that destroy your wealth vision

3 case studies: Lack-minded persons. How they talk and what to look out for

The extreme power of money language and its triggers and limitations

How money language determines your wealth EQ vs your wealth IQ

How NOT to pray what NOT to say!

How to lay down NEW neural tracks to drive your new wealth lifeline

How your brain waves, money laws and your money language determine your money story

Flip the on-switch on the correct part of your brain to change your poverty circumstances through use of the right language and phrases

How to stand out as a wealth outlier using powerful yet simple phrases of the 1%


This money course will initiate the sequence to your new Wealth State in a very short space of time. By learning, implementing and integrating these changes to the way you speak – you will set off the sequences to Jump Lifelines to your desired and ideal money state. This is the critical step needed when putting a money framework in place.  However with this you are able to witness real time results and see the evidence of change first hand within yourself.

You will no longer subscribe to limiting neural patterns in your speech dynamic, as well as in other people around you. These speech patterns were incorrectly taught to the vast majority of us since birth. We need to now, as adults, unlearn this language that has cemented itself neurally over decades. However this can and must be undone in order for your wealth vision to unfold. New neural tracks need to be laid down. A new language needs to be learned – with new phrases, terms, tone and cadence that compliments and supports your vision – not subconsciously sabotage it!

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You are already a master manifestor. You only need to learn the secrets to control this power and bend reality to what you desire. See the evidence for yourself first hand and make the shift now. Why wait?  Make the change today and claim the life you deserve!




Introduction…Language of the 1%
How Brainwaves play a key part in money creation.
Wire your neural tracks for Success
Examples and Case Studies that trigger neural networks in limiting ways
What a transformed speech pattern looks and feels like in 3D.