• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Learn from 0 everything you need to know about Prompts, Niji Mode, Parameters and Functions, Digital Art + Prompts Ex.

What you will learn

What is Midjourney and how it works

What are the limitations and possibilities of digital art

Advantages and disadvantages of Midjourney

What is Niji Mode and how it works

The structure of a well-thought-out PROMPT

How EXPLORE works and what it helps you with

What are all the parameters and what do they do

Different abbreviations for too long prompts

How the algorithm works using each function separately


Do you want to learn how Midjourney works?

Do you want to learn how to write PROMPTS effectively?

Do you want to learn how to create digital art?

Do you want to learn how you can use the functions to generate sensational images?

Do you want to learn the most important concepts used in Midjourney?

Do you want to learn how Niji Mode works and create ANIME characters?

Do you want to learn how to transform yourself into a 3D character?

Do you want to learn Midjourney Basics from 0 without spending a lot of time watching dozens of hours of tutorials?

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If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, you should stop here. This is the right course for you!

This course is easy to understand and is designed in explainer video format to convey fundamental information about Midjourney in a way that makes everything clear and simple. You will receive detailed explanations with examples. The course starts by defining the platform and setting the first details, the functions and parameters that will give the images new details, and ends by experimenting with the most difficult prompts so that you can master the more complicated things.

Stop thinking, enroll up today and learn everything about Midjourney V5 and its possibilities!

This course is the best way to start learning about the Midjourney phenomenon.

Don’t go on wondering “what would have happened if I had done it”. You won’t be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30 days money back guaranteed by Udemy. What have you got to lose?

You will get:

  • Β Lifetime Access to The Course
  • Access the course from any online device
  • Clear explanations to make learning and studying easier
  • Quick & Helpful Support in the Q&A Section
  • 30 days money back guaranteed by Udemy!

Stop thinking, enroll up today and learn from 0 How Midjourney Works!



Course Introduction

Course Introduction
What is the Purpose of the Course?
Midjourney – Is it right for you or not?
Digital Art- A new dimension of artistic expression

Midjourney Fundamentals

What is Midjourney and how it works
Update Midjourney V5.2 – PRO MODE
Who owns the commercial right
Explore – The place where you get your inspiration
Subscription Plan
Ethics – Navigating the Dilemmas of a Changing World

First Settings

Discord Account – Web Version
Discord Account – PC Version
Discord Account – Phone Version
Midjourney account
Full tour – Midjourney
How to add the Midjourney Bot to your server
Midjourney – The first settings before the first prompt

Commands List

Commands List
How to use the Job ID option
How to use the Blend option
How to use the Describe option

Prompts Fundamentals & Practice

The logic behind each prompt – Fundamentals
Prompt Engineering – The most common 6 characteristics
Midjourney Artist Style – Stylize the prompts after famous artists
Upscale (U1, U2, U3, U4)
Version (V1,V2, V3, V4) – Get more variations
Rerolling – Same prompt, different results
Cancel Job – How to stop generating an image
Remix Mode – Add new information for more complex images
Light Upscaler (–uplight) – Get more textured portraits and surfaces
Shorten command – Shorten
How to Use Versions
Save creations at maximum quality
Where to buy working hours (Fast Hours)

Midjourney Complex Features

Aspect Ratios (–ar)
Chaos (–chaos <number 0–100>)
Negative Prompting (–no)
Stopping a Job (–stop 95)
Seed (–seed)
Repeat (–r <1–40>)
Quality (–q 2)
Niji Mode – Anime (–niji)
Image Weight (–iw)
New Style – Midjourney (–style)
Tile (–tile)
Fast – Relax – Turbo Mode (–turbo)
Zoom Out Feature (–zoom)
Multi-Prompt Basics
Permutation Prompt Basics
Weird (– weird)

More Utility for Midjourney

Transform yourself into a 3D character
Panning an Image
Background Changes

Final Thoughts!

Final Thoughts!
Bonus Lecture