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  • Reading time:11 mins read

Python – Python Automation – Python Scripting – Python Script -Automation Python – Python for Automation – Scripting

What you will learn

Start at zero and become an expert whilst learning all about the inner workings of Python.

Learn how to write professional Python code like a professional Python developer.

Develop a long-lasting love for Python and programming by creating good programming habits.

You will learn the python basics from zero to end (step bye step), I will take your through each method and I will give you full introduction to each title

For python basic I will use PowerPoint slide but for system administrator we have no slide

You will learn object oriented programming language with python

You will learn how to work with QR code, how to read the text inside QR code picture

Control your browser using python!

You learn how to format your information (information formatting)

Start learning automating regular administrative activities

Explore the wider possibilities of what you can do with Python, including databases and web scraping.

Start working with unit testing in Python by learning about the unittest library

Learn how to take backup using python.

Start working with log files

Start working with configuration files, file system…

Start learning debugging and profiling

You will learn about debugger tools, error handling profiling and timing program

Start learning documentation and reporting

Start working with file arching, encrypting and decrypting

You will learn how to crack hashed text, generating hash(sha1,md5,sha256….)

You will learn how to crack zip password

You will see how hacker hack through system and control keyboard

You will learn how to work with database(mysql) in linux and windows using python

We are going take you through Numpy

Start working with regular expression(RegEx) and web scraping

Start learning with various file

You will learn how to work with exil files, pdf files, text files, CSV(comma separated values) files


Welcome to a Mastering python script for System Administrators!

This course will take you from beginner to become master in python script, easily and smartly. We’ve crafted every piece of content to be concise and straightforward, while never leaving you confused. This course will dive right into Python and get you productive from the very beginning.

This is the best investment you can make in your Python scripting journey.

Why Learn Python?

Python work on different platforms(Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi …)

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Python has a simple syntax similar to the English language. python has a syntax that allows developers to write programs with fewer lines than some other programming language does

Over the last few years, Python has become more and more popular. Demand for Python is booming in the job market and it is a skill that can help you enter some of the most exciting industries, including data science, web applications, home automation, and many more. Python is one of the most loved and most wantedprogramming languages according to recent industry surveys. If people are not using Python already, they want to start using Python.

This course will make it easy for you to learn Python and get ahead of your wish.

What Am I Going to Get From This Course?

  • Lifetime access to lectures covering all aspects of python, from the foundations to advanced concepts.
  • An interactive screencast video from every lecture
  • Guidance on common pitfalls and best practices including how to make your code “pythonic” (looking like professional code), Object-oriented programming, database interactions, and more.
  • Quizzes and tests for you to check your understanding.
  • High-quality help and support. I am going to answer any question directly or indirectly(I Love to HELP and support )
  • You will learn system administrator with python
  • Don’t wait! join the course and begin coding in python today!


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Learning Python Basic
Python Introduction
Python Syntax, Indentation , Variable , Comment , Datatype
Python Numbers, Type Conversion, Random Number, Casting
Python String
Python Booleans
Python Operators
Python List
List Method in Python
Tuple in Python
Tuple Methods
Python Set
Set Method Part 1
Set Method Part 2
Python Dictionary
If Condition Statement in Python
Python While Loop
Python for Loop
Python Function
Python Arrays
Python Class and Object
Python Class and Object Part 2
Python Inheritance
Scope in Python
Python Module
Python Date Module
Python Input
Math Module in Python
Create and Decode Qrcode_First_Project
Introduction to Numpy
Numpy Properties
Debuggin and Profileing A
Debugger Tools
Error Handling
Profiling and Timeing Program
Documentation and Reporting
Information Formatting
Standard Input and Output
Introduction to Reg Ex
Second Part of Reg Ex
Reg Ex Functions
Web Scraping with Reg Ex
Unit Testing
Unit Testing
If Condition Testing
Workig with Various File
Reading Excel File
Reading Spicific Columns from Excel File
Create Excel File with Openpyxl
Read from Multiple Cell in Excel
Add Data to Excel File
Reading PDF Document
Extracting Pdf Content
Rotating Pdf Page
Working with Text File
Write Inside Text File Using Python
Working with Csv Files
Write in To a Csv File
Mysql Database Administration
Introduction to Mysql Using Linux System
Introduction to Mysql Using Windows Os
Connecting and Inserting to Mysql Database
Read from Mysql Database
Automating Regular Administrative Activities
Working with Logging
Reading Configuration Files
Launch Webbrowser
Input by Redirection
Input by Pip & Input File
Getpass Module
Executing External Command & Copturing Output
Creating and Deleting Using Os Module
Taking Backup with Python
File Archiving, Encrypting and Decrypting
Generating Hash(sha1,md5,sha256)
Cracking Hashed Text
Cracking Zip File Using Python
Keyboard Controling_Second_Project