• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:14 mins read

How to Facilitate or Participate in Successful Live or Virtual Meetings and Workshops that Define Digital Solutions

What you will learn

Develop well-formulated objectives and agendas to flush out optimal approaches, ideal participants, and preferred tools for productive workshops and meetings.

Maintain a toolkit of techniques and soft skills that foster collaborative and engaging environments for planning, preparing, and performing effective meetings.

Leverage modern brain science studies to help people discover and document features, functions, and requirements for future digital solutions.

Select the best type of collaborative get-together for achieving the defined objectives based on the organization’s culture, technology, and leadership style.

Prepare participants for cooperation and collaboration in facilitated User Story Workshops, 3-Amigos Conversations, and 1-on-1 requirements interviews.


Effective Communication Skills are the Building Blocks for Collaboration

Are your meetings, conversations, and workshops exhilarating experiences for all participants or a dreaded waste of time? If meeting invitations are considered an inconvenience that just keep you from doing productive work, your organization is an endangered species.

Productive meetings are the beating heart of a healthy organization. Meetings, workshops, and conversations are tools for collaborating. Collaboration is the essence of productive teams and without effective communication, there can be no collaboration. Collaboration should not be your solution of last resort. It should be a component of your group’s DNA.


Many Employers Rank Collaboration and Teamwork High as Competencies

They know that collaboration unlocks the potential of their employees and adds value to their customers.


What’s in It for You Personally?

Studies show that individuals who collaborate are more satisfied with their work, deliver better results, and are more creative. Sounds like a win-win, so what is collaboration and how can you improve your collaboration skills and contribute to making business gatherings of all kinds eagerly anticipated events?

Albert Einstein famously stated, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. This course offers a different approach to planning, preparing, conducting, leading, and participating in collaborative gatherings. Many courses on meeting facilitation focus on building facilitation or leadership skills. Based on a combined 70+ years of conducting productive workshops and meetings, the authors present how collaboration between the meeting leader and all participants makes meetings more productive.


Why Should You Buy This Course?

  • Lifetime access to the course including future updates.
  • 30-day Moneyback guarantee backed by Udemy if you are not completely satisfied with the learning experience.
  • Includes 252-page Student Handout in .pdf format for note-taking
  • “Intellimated” video lectures use visual representations to simplify complex concepts and associations.
  • Quizzes give you an opportunity to test your understanding of the presented material, reinforce learning, and increase retention.
  • Help from the authors answers open questions and provides additional information.
  • You will gain confidence in your ability to leverage the power of collaboration to minimize miscommunication that plagues IT initiatives.
  • ———-

About the Instructor

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  • Teaches 10 Udemy courses for Agile Business Analysis with over 60,000 students enrolled.
  • Champions lean and agile methods to meet communication challenges between business and IT communities.
  • Extensive YouTube Channel with 111 videos for 17K subscribers and 1.6M views.
  • Authored 10 Business Analysis books covering tools and techniques for Agile and traditional software requirements.
  • Consultant to a multitude of Fortune 500 companies and governmental agencies.
  • Facilitated 100’s of User Story and Requirements Gathering Workshops for multi-million-dollar projects.
  • 35+ years’ experience with instructor-led training for tens of thousands of students around the world.
  • Coach and mentor for aspiring business analysts.

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Why Should You Enroll?

According to a recent survey, 69% of today’s top employers list effective communication as a required skill. Communication between the business and those who develop and deliver the digital solutions is the engine that drives collaboration which is the soul of successful organizations today.

Register for this course to:

  • learn how to empower collaboration in productive meetings
  • help IT deliver what the business community is requesting
  • reduce the amount of time spent in non-productive meetings
  • lead challenging workshops for defining evolving business needs
  • identify and practice soft skills necessary for effective collaboration


About the Course

Section I: “Introduction to Collaborative Conversations, Meetings, And Workshops”, presents how collaboration drives modern product development approaches like Lean and Agile. We explain why everyone involved in a gathering needs collaboration skills.

Section II: “Forms of Collaborative Conversations and Meetings” introduces 7 variants of meetings, conversations, and workshops with an explanation of the pros and cons of each variant.

Section III: “Planning and Preparing Conversations and Workshops” provides concrete techniques that set the stage for successful gatherings. It includes how a well-formed objective drives the agenda, attendees, tools, and techniques of a meeting. We guide you from the decision to schedule a meeting all the way to formulating and distributing effective invitations that increase attendance.

Section IV: “Leverage the NEUROSCIENCE of Collaboration” delves into recent studies in brain research that will help you recognize and develop the soft skills that are essential to effective collaboration. We also present techniques for developing the social skills that improve your ability to lead or contribute in a group setting.

Section V: “Communication is the Core of Collaborative Conversations” focuses on the key soft skill that underpins all human interactions. You will learn techniques for ensuring that your voice is heard in conversations and improve your ability to listen more attentively to other viewpoints.

Section VI: “Dealing with Challenges during Conversations and Workshops” acknowledges that collaboration does not depend on a perfect world to succeed. We present real-world challenges we have faced and present solutions we know work for solving them.

Section VII: “Closing a Working Meeting and Final Steps” presents what to do at the end of a collaborative session and what to do after the meeting is over. These actions extend the benefits of collaboration beyond a single workshop, meeting, or conversation by initiating a process of change that can spread throughout your organization.


So, What Are You Waiting For?

Enroll now to move toward becoming the Collaborative Communications expert in your organization.



Welcome to the Course
About the instructor
The Need for Collaboration to Define Future Digital Solutions
For Productive Meetings, Size Matters
Conversations and Workshops Are the Essence of Lean and Agile
In Agile Meetings, All Participants Need Facilitation Skills
Different Approaches for Productive and Effective Communication
Ad-hoc Requirements and User Story Conversations
Requirements Interviews and User Story Conversations
Expanding the Size and Duration of Meetings From Conversations to Workshops
Unique Challenges of Virtual Get-Togethers
Different Types of Meetings Require Different Skills
Understanding the Different Forms of Collaborative Communications
Enabling Collaborative Conversations in Your Organization
Planning and Preparation Get-Togethers for High Performance
Define Enticing Objectives to Get People’s Attention
Select the Best Participants for Maximal Productivity
Your Objective Dictates the Outcome/Deliverables and Activities
Plan Session Techniques, Tools, and Templates
Virtual Add-Ons for Techniques, Tools, Templates
Agenda Requirements for All Collaborative Conversations
Some Workshops Require a Detailed, Structured Agenda
Considerations for Effective Virtual Agendas
Create and Distribute Workshop Invitations
Planning and Preparation of Online and Physical Get-togethers
Soft Skills are Social; Hard Skills are Technical
Social Skills Are the Foundation of Teamwork
Neuroscience Helps People Discover What They Really Want
Why the Nonconscious Mind Matters to Collaborative Conversations
Deciding is a Nonconscious Process
The Conscious Mind Deliberates and Learns
Leveraging Soft Skills Needs a Unified Mind
Persuasion and Influence Convince Contributors to Collaborate
Why You Should Be Careful Asking a Stakeholder WHY?
Neuroscience Facilitates Changing How You Collaborate
Soft Skills Can be Innate or Learned, Hard Skills Are Always Acquired
Communication Is a Fundamental Social Skill
Make Sure You Can Talk the Talk before You Try to Walk the Walk
Make Your Voice Count in a Group Meeting
What You See Trumps What You Hear
Engaged (aka Active) Listening
Listen for Intent and Purpose
Silence Is a Secret Weapon in Collaborative Conversations
Impediments to Effective Listening
Overcoming Listening Impediments
Written Conversations Can Still Be Collaborative
The Most Important Soft Skill for Successful Collaboration Is Communication
The Start Lays the Groundwork of a Great Collaborative Conversation
Effective Icebreakers Improve Team Communication
Techniques to Build a Collaborative Meeting Environment
Good Time Management Maintains Momentum
Asking Follow-on Questions Right Maintains Momentum
Dealing with Distractions and Difficult People
Conflict Resolution Strategies Rescue Endangered Conversations
Virtual Workshops Add Technology Challenges
Taking Notes versus Recording the Conversation
During the Collaborative Session
Close the Collaborative Conversation in Style
Life After Collaborative Conversations
Where Do You Go from Here?
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