Children can play your audio reading of the story and read along as many times as they want!

What you will learn

How to record a story for a child to read on their own

How to use the MPC Studio MK2 controller to create a beat for the story

How to use the MPC Studio MK2 controller to quickly add samples to the pad bank

How to use the MPC Studio MK2 controller to quickly switch modes

How to use the MPC Studio MK2 controller to quickly navigate the event screen


Making Music 3

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The intention of this course is to enable you to learn how to use your mk2 controller to easily record a story for a child and insert a sound effect to indicate that it is time to turn the page as well as add in background music for the child to enjoy the story repetitively. You will learn how to export the file to mp3 and then upload it to bandcamp so that wherever you are you can play the story from your bandcamp account also you will learn how to put the file on your streamdeck so that with a push of a button you or your child can find the picture of the book and push it and it will activate the story. You will also learn how to use your mk2 controller to do things like record, stop, navigate the playhead to the start, load and browse samples, and quickly change modes like going to the sample edit screen,track view, main view and also sample editing to change the length of the sample as well and changing the volume of the sample as well. The hope is that by doing this course we can increase the love of both reading and music!



How do I record the story as an audio file for a child to read by themselves

Recording the audio
Adding the sound effect
Adding background music
Exporting the file as mp3 and accessing it on your phone or device
Using StreamDeck to quickly play your audio file with the push of a button