Learn HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap framework by building a modern looking responsive website.

What you will learn

At the end of this course, You will have a great skills set like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery and Bootstrap Framework.

You will see, the complete web development process from start to finish project.

You will learn about media queries and will be able to make website perfect for responsive design.

You will learn about web design guidelines which you can apply to real world web projects.

You will be able to build modern looking website which will look great on all the small & wide screens.

You will get complete code for real responsive website


Want to learn Web Design & Web Development Skills? Then this is the RIGHT course For you! Many languages came and disappear but JavaScript is language that is enjoying a high run and demand in the programming world. The very first things you need to learn HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and JQuery to become a Web Developer and off-course some Web Design Guidelines. This course will exactly teach you all these New Skills to become a good Web Developer. This course also teach how to use Bootstrap Framework which is the most Popular Responsive Framework on the internet. In this course, you will also learn Web Design Guidelines, which you can apply to Real World Websites.

This course will first give basic understanding of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery and Bootstrap Framework then by combining all these skills, you will Build a Modern Looking Responsive Website which will look Great on all the Small and Wide Screens.

JavaScript is THE most important programming language you need to learn as a web developer – and with this course, you make sure that you will not miss a single thing you have to know as a JavaScript developer!

This is the most comprehensive and modern course you can find on JavaScript – it’s based on all my JavaScript knowledge AND teaching experience. It’s both a complete guide, starting with the core basics of the language, as well as an extensive reference of the JavaScript language and environment, ensuring that both newcomers as well as experienced JavaScript developers get a lot out of this course!

It’s a huge course because it’s packed with important knowledge and helpful content. From the core basics, over advanced concepts and JavaScript specialties, all the way up to expert topics like performance optimization and testing – this course has it all. My goal was to create your go-to resource for the JavaScript language, which you can not just use for learning it but also as a resource you can come back to and look up important topics.




Introduction to web design

Basic requirements to build web applications

Web terminology

Web server

Web site

Web page


Introduction to HTML

Brief discription on HTML

Structure of Html document scope

Body Section

Headings,paragraph and Blockquotes

Introduction of headings

Example of headings

Introduction of paragraph and blockquotes

Example of paragraph and blockquote

Ordered list and unordered list

Introduction of Ordered list

Example of ordered list

Introduction of Unordered list

Example of Unordered list

Blankspaces,pre-formatted text,Acronyms,Details and summary

Line break in html

Blankspaces in Html

Pre-formatted text in Html

Acronyms in Html

Details and summary in Html

Datalist with terms and definitions

Introduction of Datalist

Example of datalist with terms and definitions

Text formatting in Html

Introduction to text formatting in Html

Explanation of font element with example

Explanation of font styles with example

Explanation of font effects with example

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Images in Html

Explanation of Image Element in Html

Example of image element

Links in Html

Explanation of Horizontal line

Introduction to Links in Html

Explanation of Intra links with Example

Explanation of inter links with example

Tables in Html

Explanation of Tables in Html

Example of Tables in Html

Forms in Html

Explanation of forms in Html

Example of forms in Html

Example of Dropdownlist and Listbox

Fieldset,Radio Button and Checkbox with Examples

Explanation of Progress and Meter

Explanation on Textarea and buttons

Marquee in Html

Styles in Html

Explanation of styles in Html with examples

Introduction of CSS

Explanation on Type selectors in CSS


Explanation of Bootstrap

Example of Bootstrap


javascript introduction

Integrating Javascript into HTML page

javascript Refering HTML elements

javascript output properties and methods

javascript output properties and methods part-2

Handling inputs in javascript

Javascript Variables

Javascript Datatypes

Non-primitive types in javascript

Javascript Regular-expressions

Javascript Operators

javascript Operators part-2

javascript Control-flow statements

javascript Built-in objects

javascript Browser objects

Javascript Browser objects part-2

Javascript Events

Real-world food delivery application