• Post category:StudyBullet-12
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Step-by-step approach from idea to project goals setting and project scope definition.

What you will learn

Step-by step guidance for transforming an idea into an structured project

Use Logical Framework Approach (LFA) as a project communication and planning tool

Define project objectives

Anticipate project results

Schedule project activities

Consider and monitor project risks and assumptions

Define project metrics or indicators

Connect the project to other strategies or programmes

Established project’s cost and budget


You have a project concept, but what should you do next? How do you transform an idea into a well-structured, logical project that produces results? Moreover, there are hundreds of project planning tools accessible, so what is the advantage of using Logframe?

When a number of parties and stakeholders are engaged and the project seems to be a complicated task, defining project scope and objectives may be a difficult process.

We want realistic and effective tools to enable efficient project planning. The logical framework is regarded as one of the most effective planning tools used by the European Commission since it allows us to establish the project scope and objectives without wasting time or effort.

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As a consequence of understanding the Logframe technique, you and your team will be able to establish and communicate further in an efficient manner the structure, specific goals, activities, anticipated results, and measures by which the project is monitored in an effective way. It will reduce time significantly when you plan your project next time with the logframe and ensure the delivery of results.

This course will equip you with practical project planning knowledge and skills. You will get step-by step guidance for turning an idea into structured project




Welcome to the course

Logical Framework Approach (LFA)

Table of content
LFA in the analysis phase
From analysis to planning
From the problem tree to logframe
Logical Framework Approach (LFA)

Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)

Table of content
What is LFM
Working logic
Level of objectives
Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)

Construction of LFM

Table of content
Step 1. Overall objective
Step 2. Project purpose
Step 3. Results
Step 4. Activities
Step 5. Assumptions
Step 6. OVIs and SoVs
Completed LFM
Construction of LFM
Typical mistakes

