Introduction to the fundamentals of Linux Commands
☑ Linux
☑ Linux Commands
☑ Linux Basic Navigation
☑ Linux File Manipulation
☑ Linux Text Editor
☑ Grep and Regular Expressions
This course is design for beginner level and Intermediate Student. It is design in simple way to understand the commands in Linux and Provide practical way to execute the command in Linux Terminal.
When you enroll, you get lifetime access to the course. Your course never expires. You can study at your own pace and refer back to the lessons whenever you want!
Linux Directories
What are Commands
Linux pwd Command
Linux cd Command
Linux ls Command
Linux mkdir Command
Linux rmdir command
Rename Folders in Linux
Linux Files
Linux Files
Linux Create Files
Linux File Commands
Linux rm Command / Linux Delete Command
Linux cp Command / Linux Copy Command
Linux mv Command / Linux Move Command
Linux read Command
Linux File Contents
Linux File Contents
Open File in Linux
Linux Edit file
Linux which Command
Linux head Command
Linux tail Command
Linux cat Command
Linux tac Command
Linux Filters
Linux Filters
Linux cat filters
Linux cut Command
Linux grep Command
Linux comm Command
Linux sed Command – Part1
Linux sed Command – Part2