• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Data Science | Data Visualization | Analytics | Data Blending | Charts

What you will learn

You would be able to create various kinds of Visualization charts using Google Data Studio

You would be able to create Bar, Line, Pie, Ring, Treemap, Map, Heatmap and other charts

You could create filters and customize charts and change metrics

You could create Business Intelligence report for Data Analysis


In this course you are going to learn about Google Data Studio right from the beginning. You will learn to create various types of Data Visualization charts and Business Intelligence report that can be used to find some critical insights from the dataset that can help in decision making process by individuals and organizations. Visualization charts compress vast amount of data and present them in simplified and visually attractive manner. And when you combine multiple types of charts, you can create an Analytics dashboard or BI report that provides you will all the information in abstract manner.

The skills learned in this course could be used for various types of roles in domains such as Data Visualization, Data Analysis, Business Intelligence and Data Science. In this course you will learn to create and customize various types of charts such as- Pie, Bar, Ring, Treemap, Google Map, Heat map, Bubble chart, time series chart, and much more.

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Here you are going to learn about various concepts with hands-on practical examples such as-

  • Creating a Business Intelligence Report and adding visualization charts
  • Adding a Map chart and customizing various properties
  • Creating a Treemap chart and adding filter
  • Adding Timeseries chart for Dynamic dashboard
  • Adding Controllers- Input box and Drop down list
  • Downloading and sharing a BIΒ report
  • Uploading a csv dataset to create a BI report
  • Adding Text and finding insights from the dataset using interactive charts
  • Data Blending using Joins- Left Outer, Right Outer, Inner, Full outer, Cross



Resource files

Getting started with Google Data Studio

Getting into Google Data Studio
Creating a Report and adding chart

Map Visualization

Customizing Map chart
Customizing Text and background

Treemap and adding Filters

Creating a Treemap chart and adding Filter
Understanding filters and interactive charts

Timeseries chart and Controllers

Adding a Timeseries chart for Dynamic Dashboard
Adding controllers- Input box and Drop down list
Downloading and sharing BI report

Working with csv dataset

Uploading csv dataset and creating report
Working with csv dataset
Adding text and finding insights using Interactive charts

Data Blending

Data Blending using Joins- Left, Right, Outer, Inner, Full, Cross