Content created by Austin McMurray, OTD student
What you will learn
Recognize the need for kinesiotape to decrease pain and increase function in individuals with orthopedic conditions
Explain the effectiveness of kinesiotape compared to pharmacological interventions
Understand the need for more research regarding kinesiotape
Identify how my capstone will contribute to the profession of occupational therapy
Hello and welcome to my Udemy Course on Kinesiotape as an alternative intervention to address pain and function.
This course dives into the topic of kinesiotape as an alternative option to decreasing pain and increasing function for individuals with upper extremity conditions. It describes the need for an alternative option to managing these symptoms as over the counter medications or steroid injections are often not sustainable for a long period of time. This course describes the need for increased utilization of kinesiotape at my capstone site, as many of the therapists were not using tape with their patients mostly due to unfamiliarity with different taping techniques. This course demonstrates everything I accomplished while on my capstone experience. It addresses the need for kinesiotape to decrease pain and increase function, it explains the effectiveness of kinesiotape compared to pharmacological interventions, and it addresses the increasing amount of research to support the use of taping. The course will tour the overarching goal of my capstone, the contribution to occupational therapy, the guiding approach for my capstone, and how my capstone connects to my university’s OTD program themes. The course will then explore my learning objectives I completed at my site. It explores the taping website I created along with the handouts and videos of taping techniques I created for different upper extremity conditions.
Enjoy the course and please feel free to message the instructor with any questions related to this presentation. Thank you for your interest and happy learning!