• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Begin learning philosophy with Socrates in Plato’s greatest dialogue

What you will learn

The purpose of philosophy

The life of the philosopher

How to reason and argue in order to find the truth

The charges against Socrates

The reasons Socrates does not fear death


The apology of Socrates is about the trial of one of the greatest philosophers, Socrates. Socrates was charged with several crimes, but the real charge against Socrates was his way of life. This course will examine Socrates as he gives a defense of his way of life.  Socrates shows that philosophy is about the tireless pursuit of truth. Although this way of life can be fulfilling it is oftentimes dangerous. Socrates will not only give a defense of himself,  but he will also give a defense of Philosophy. He will also ask the people of Athens to examine their own life. As readers, we can also use the Apology to examine our own lives.

The means by which Socrates examines his own life and the life of others is through meticulous reasoning. Socrates shows that in order to be a true philosophers, one must follow reasoning where ever it may lead, even if that means prison or death. This is not merely a course about philosophy. It is course that asks the student to follow Socrates and become a courageous truth seeker, that is, a courageous philosopher.

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The version of Plato used in these lectures is: Plato: Five Dialogues, translated by G. M. A Grube, 2nd edition.  This is the recommended version, but any version can be used. Several free versions of the Apology are available on the internet.  To get the most out of this course one should read the entire dialogue before or while listening to the lectures. Anyone can still benefit from this course by listening to the lectures alone and doing the accompanying quizzes.



Why start learning philosophy with Plato?

Why start learning philosophy with Plato?

Lesson 1

The Underlying Charges
The Underlying Charges – Quiz

Lesson 2

The Oracle of Delphi
The Oracle of Delphi – Quiz

Lesson 3

The Poets & The Craftsmen
The Poets & The Craftsmen – Quiz

Lesson 4

The Corruption of the Youth
The Corruption of the Youth – Quiz

Lesson 5

The Atheist – Quiz
The Atheist

Lesson 6

The Gadfly
The Gadfly – Quiz

Lesson 7

The Fear of Death
The Fear of Death – Quiz