Explore this popular career path in the tech industry

What you will learn

Job responsibilities of a Customer Success Manager (CSM)

Transferable skills and the characteristics of a good CSM

How Customer Success and Customer Service Are Different

Customer Success Acronyms and Terminology


Have you been hearing about Customer Success roles for the SaaS industry? CS, as it’s alternatively called, continues to be a career option with ongoing hiring, remote work opportunities and a salary with bonus.

This course, brought to you by the founder of Aspireship, will help you learn more about becoming a Customer Success Manager inΒ SaaS.

If you’re currently evaluating whether to pursue SaaS sales, Customer Success or something else, you can use this to help you understand specifically if Customer Success is the right career for you and your unique skillset. Build the foundation to begin a transition by learning metrics and terminology, roles and career paths and much more.

In case you were wondering, “What’s Aspireship?”

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We’re a career acceleration platform for the SaaS industry. We train you online for careers in the SaaS industry, then help you show off your skills to fast-growth tech companies.

Aspireship instructors and expert contributors are Founders, CEOs, VPs and Directors at fast-growth SaaS companies. We’ve built, scaled and trained B2B software companies of all sizes, collectively training hundreds of thousands of SaaS professionals worldwide.

So go ahead, dive right in and see what success ; )Β awaits you on the other side.



Welcome To The Course

Meet Corey Kossack: Welcome Video


Introduction To Customer Success (Interview With A Real CSM)

Customer Success Roles & Career Paths

Customer Success Roles With Corey Kossack and Megan Bowen

Day In The Life Of A Customer Success Manager

Day In The Life of A CSM

Quick Course Recap

Customer Success Manager: Recap On This Course