How to Overcome Stuttering
Stuttering can be an embarrassing issue. This course allows the learner to learn all about it!

What you will learn

Stuttering Mastery and How to Overcome Stuttering

The Science Behind Stuttering

The History and Theory of Stuttering

Techniques and Treatments For Stutterers


Stuttering, also known as stammering, is a speech disorder characterized by disruptions in the normal flow of speech.

Many people have stutters. Some people stutter in certain situations and some be people stutter all of the time. Even celebrities have stutters within their speech. In this course you`ll learn what the background to stuttering is, the best solutions to stutteringΒ  and how to move forward if you stutter in life.

Estimating the exact number of people who stutter in the United States can be challenging because the prevalence of stuttering can vary over time and across different age groups. However, according to the Stuttering Foundation, approximately 1% of the world’s population stutters, and this figure is believed to be relatively consistent across different countries.

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In the United States, this would suggest that around 3 million people may experience stuttering to some degree. It’s important to note that stuttering is more common in early childhood, and many children who stutter naturally outgrow the condition without the need for intervention. However, for some individuals, stuttering may persist into adolescence and adulthood.

Stuttering can affect people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities. It often begins in childhood during the developmental stages of speech and language. While the exact cause of stuttering is not fully understood, it is believed to involve a combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors.




Stuttering 1
Stuttering 2
Stuttering 3
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Stuttering 5
The Stuttering Mastery Quiz!
Stuttering 6