The different types of manipulation that startup founders/investors/others fall prey to – as well as how to fight them
☑ The different types of manipulation in a startup’s inner workings
☑ Specific examples of how each type of manipulation may be used by founders, employees, and/OR INVESTORS
☑ How to protect yourself against each of these types as a startup founder, employee, investor or client
☑ Combinations of the different types of manipulation performed by different stakeholders in startups
Creating a startup is a hard endeavor. For everyone involved.
However, there are some injustices that may occur.
Within the startup itself (among founders and employees), with clients, investors, and in the broader ecosystem.
It’s important to know which types of manipulation occur, as well as how each type can be leveraged in a startup environment.
This is what this course will cover.
Some people – including me – love to know what they’re getting in a package.
And by this, I mean, EVERYTHING that is in the package.
So, here is a list of everything that this course covers:
- How founders can use “consistency traps” to force employees, clients or investors to align with their vision or make commitments they will need to later honor;
- How founders or others can leverage emotional manipulation by building up exaggerated hype about their products, or “twist the knife” in customers to drive them to buy, among other uses;
- How almost every startup leverages effort manipulation, making it easier/simpler/faster to buy or use a product than it actually is;
- How someone can leverage standard manipulation by comparing different startups using different criteria, or different employees using different metrics, among other uses;
- How founders can leverage pressure manipulation to make employees work harder or clients fight harder to buy, and how investors also use it on founders themselves;
- How founders leverage identification manipulation to make clients, partners and even employees feel heard and understood, to then make them act in the way they want (buying or working harder);
- How fact manipulation can be used to twist facts related to existing features, growth numbers, sales numbers and internal performance metrics;
- How context manipulation can be leveraged, by comparing the startup with a specific set of options that makes it look good;
- How labeling manipulation can be leveraged to oversimplify a startup in terms of specific positive traits, or its competition in terms of specific negative traits;
Remember that you always have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there is no risk for you.
Also, I suggest you make use of the free preview videos to make sure the course really is a fit. I don’t want you to waste your money.
If you think this course is a fit and can take your knowledge of how to protect yourself from manipulation to the next level… it would be a pleasure to have you as a student.
See on the other side!
Consistency Manipulation
Consistency Manipulation in Startups
Emotional Manipulation
Emotional Manipulation in Startups
Effort Manipulation
Effort Manipulation in Startups
Standard Manipulation
Standard Manipulation in Startups
Pressure Manipulation
Pressure Manipulation in Startups
Identification Manipulation
Identification Manipulation in Startups
Fact Manipulation
Fact Manipulation in Startups
Context Manipulation
Context Manipulation in Startups
Labeling Manipulation
Labeling Manipulation in Startups