• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:4 mins read

What you will learn

Pronounce English vowels correctly or be able to monitor yourself for correct pronunciation


In this American English pronunciation course, specifically designed to meet the needs of speakers from India,  learn to accurately produce the American vowels which Indian speakers of English often confuse.  These tricky vowels include learning to distinguish between “peek” and “pick” and between “look” and “Luke.”  Also learn to distinguish between “bone and “born” and many other troublesome pairs.  Computer professionals can learn to reduce or minimize their accents in an IT vocabulary context.  Repetition audio practice is included so you can repeat the target phrases until the correct pronunciation becomes part of your muscle memory!

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An introduction to the course

Introduction Part I Vowels
Quiz on Intro

Vowel Overview

Vowel Chart Explained

Vowel Lengthening

Vowel Lengthening
Vowel Lengthening

Front Vowels

Front Vowels Overview
Front Vowels Overview
Long E vs. Short I
Long E vs. Short I
Long A vs. Short E
Long A vs. Short E
Short A vs. Short O
Short A vs. Short O

Central Vowels

Central Vowels Overview
Central Vowels Overview
Short U
Short U

Back Vowels

Back Vowels Overview
Back Vowels: Overview
Short Back U vs. Long U
Long U vs. Short back U
Long O+R
Long O+R

Moving Vowels

Moving Vowels
Moving Vowels