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Health Tips and Psychology Complete Lessons

What you will learn

You will learn Evolutionary Psychology in this course.


Psychology can be reliably placed on the foundation laid by Mr. Herbert Spencer, that the need for mental powers and abilities to be acquired only gradually and gradually. The origin and history of man will be more enlightened. โ€

You will learn a lot of health tips in this course.

These words of Darwin are like the first words to inform that one day a brand new field called โ€œevolutionary psychologyโ€ will be born.

Throughout the 20th century, many thinkers have tried to solve the question of how to build the structure necessary for a more systematic approach to psychology based on Darwin’s basic understanding (Tooby and Cosmides, 2005). With the influence of all these various approaches and efforts, the field of evolutionary psychology appeared a few decades ago.

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It is of course possible to define evolutionary psychology from different angles; In general, evolutionary psychology is a basic framework for understanding all psychological phenomena, and a set of principles that suggest that the human nervous system and the behaviors of this system are the products of evolutionary processes. It treats people as the products of natural selection, therefore it does not have an understanding that accepts the human species as somehow independent of the rules governing the natural world (Geher, 2006). Accordingly, the mind and behavior of the human was formed in accordance with a set of natural principles, not random, but for a specific purpose and consistently in itself. Therefore, the evolutionary past of the species should be examined while the current person is explained scientifically and the reasons of the behaviors should be investigated in the light of this past.

In this course, you will learn much more from your educator, who teaches in understandable language.

The information presented in this course is constantly updated. We know that the Udemy certificate you will receive will offer you many opportunities in your life and career, as well as improving yourself. Increasing the lessons by continuously adding the information in this course by your teachers, academics and expert technical team requires you to check your course at frequent intervals. This course, which is your lifelong access, will continue to provide you with more up-to-date and different approach.




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