• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Strategy, Techniques and Principles for Successful Planning

What you will learn

Understand the principles of Agile estimation and planning

Learn three estimation / planning techniques in-depth

Decide which techniques to use in which situation

Summarize nine estimation and planning techniques


Everyone wants to know how to plan work in an Agile / Scrum project. Just like with other work methods, planning can be done in practical ways that lead to good results. However, unlike other methods, Agile / Scrum planning can be done extremely quickly while still being effective!

Note: basic understanding of Agile and Scrum is helpful for ensuring that you are able to follow all the ideas and techniques in this course. This course does not provide an introduction to Agile and Scrum.

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  1. Layers of planning in Agile / Scrum projects (the “Planning Onion” with guest Petri Heiramo)
    1. Vision
    2. Roadmap
    3. Release
    4. Refinement
    5. Sprint
    6. Day
    7. Acceptance
    8. Units
    9. Pairing
  2. Ten Agile estimation techniques (and 3 in-depth)
    1. Planning Poker
    2. The Bucket system (in-depth)
    3. Bug / Uncertain / Small (in-depth)
    4. TFB / NFC / 1 (Sprint)
    5. Dot Voting
    6. T-Shirt Sizes
    7. Affinity Mapping
    8. Ordering Protocol
    9. Divide Until Maximum Size or Less
    10. Impact / Effort (in-depth)
  3. Creating a budget for an Agile / Scrum project step-by-step guide
    1. Prepare and estimate the project requirements using Planning Poker
    2. Determine the team’s velocity
    3. Using the team’s burn rate and velocity calculate the budget for the iterations
    4. Add any capital costs
    5. Using the definition of “done” add pre- and post- iteration budgets
    6. Apply a drag or fudge factor to the overall estimate
  4. Three core principles of Agile estimation and planning (with guest Sheriane Dandar)
    1. Fast, not accurate
    2. Collaborative, not individual
    3. Telling stories, not making commitments

Join 23-year Agile veteran, Mishkin Berteig along with two guests as they provide practical advice, techniques and inspiring guidance on how to estimate and plan Agile / Scrum projects.




Quick ideas to get you going….

Estimation and Planning Techniques

Understand planning levels in an Agile / Scrum project
Get started with estimation techniques for Agile / Scrum projects
Decision criteria for choosing an estimation technique
Long-term planning for Agile / Scrum projects

Principles of Agile / Scrum Estimation and Planning

Three fundamental principles