Science of Speciality Polymers and Nanomaterials

What you will learn

Speciality Polymers: Engineering Thermoplastics- Polycarbonate

Biodegradable polymers: Polyhydroxybutyrate valerate(PHBV)

Conducting Polymers: Polyacetylene

Electroluminescent Polymers: Poly Paraphenylenevinylene

Nanomaterials: Introduction, Types and Applications

Quantum Dots: Introduction, Types and Applications


This course is designed considering the importance of polymeric materials for many domestic, industrial, engineering and modern technological applications. Polymers are the substances having very high molecular weight and are made by joining many numbers of small molecules known as monomers. Polymers are characterized by some exceptional properties which makes them useful for various engineering applications. The properties possessed by polymers are superior than that of the other materials like metals, alloys, glasses, ceramics, wood etc. In this course speciality polymers are covered. Speciality polymers have one or two special properties which give them specific applications based on that special property. This course covers class of speciality polymers like Engineering thermoplastics, Biodegradable polymers, Conducting polymers and Electroluminescent polymers. In this course One example of each speciality polymers is discussed in details regarding its preparation, properties and uses.

Polycarbonate is one of the example of engineering thermoplastics which is used in electrical and electronic components, data storage devices, bullet proof materials, optical devices etc. Polyhydroxy bytyratevalarate(PHBV) is the example of biodegradable polymers. The biodegradable polymers are those which gets decomposed after their use when they are discarded. They are used in packaging material, medical field, agricultural field. Polyactylene is example of conducting polymers. It is used in rechargeable batteries, antistatic material, electronic devices, telecommunication systems. Polyparaphenylenevinylene is an example of electroluminescent polymers . It is mostly used in optical applications.

This course also deals with some basic concepts of Nanomaterials, Quantum dots and their applications.




Introduction to Course and Basic Terms


Important Terms

Thermosoftening and Thermosetting Polymers

Engineering Thermoplastics

Engineering Thermoplastics-Polycarbonate

Applications of Polycarbonate

Quiz on Engineering Thermoplastics

Biodegradable Polymers

Biodegradable Polymers- Introduction and Need

Structural requirements and types of Biodegradable polymers

Polyhydroxy butyratevalarate (PHBV)

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Applications of PHBV(Biodegradable polymers)

Quiz on Biodegradable Polymers

Conducting Polymers

Conducting Polymers-Introduction and Types

Structural requirement for Conducting Polymers

Polyacetylene- Preparation and Structures

Doping of Polyacetylene

Applications of Conducting Polymers

Quiz on Conducting Polymers

Electroluminescent Polymers

Electroluminescent Polymers-Introduction and Definition

Poly ParaphenyleneVinylene(PPV)

Applications of Electroluminescent Polymers(PPV)

Quiz on Electroluminescent Polymers

Nanomaterials: Introduction and Applications

Nanomaterials: Definition and Classification

Applications of Nanomaterials

Quantum Dots

Applications of Quantum dots

Quiz on Nanomaterials