• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Learn the Gentle Sequence of Chair Yoga, helpful for Beginners, Seniors, Office Worker and Kids.

What you will learn


Learn simple sequences of different poses by using a chair


Learn how to Improve core strength and balance


Learn how to Increase flexibility & Promote mobility safely


Develop & Improve your mental health and positive feelings


It helps to normalize & Increase oxygen intake


You will experience better breathing techniques


Learn how to reduce stress and a positive response to stress


It will help to track weight control


Relieve aches and pains, especially in the neck and shoulders


Learn Three Level variations with sequence of exercises that act as full body tune ups


Learn how to Make your workplace your alternate health center


Chair Yoga is a variety of yoga that has been modified to allow participants to perform all of the required exercises from a seated position. It allows seniors, beginners, kids , office workers & those living with disabilities to reap the benefits of yoga without risking their safety.

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Chair yoga is a general term for practicing the modify yoga poses, this can be done while seated in a chair. So, even if you are stuck to your chair, you can do variations of stretches, bends, twists and more.

These variations make yoga easy for people who cannot stand and even for those feeling lazy to get up and work out.

While seated on chairs, everyone can do variations of twists, hip stretches, forward bends, and much more with the most simple method.

Chair yoga gives you all the health benefits that a normal yoga practice does.

The benefits include muscle toning, reduced stress levels, better posture , better breathing habits, better sleep and an overall sense of well-being.








Seated Cat Cow
Seated Twists
Seated Sun Salutation
Seated Neck Releases
Seated Keens to Chest


Seated Side Bend
Seated Forward Roll
Seated Rabbit Pose
Seated Resting Pose
Seated Pashchimottasana


Warrior Pose
Pigeon Pose
Eagle Pose
Triangle Pose
Child Pose