Level up your mapping game by uploading, downloading and creating new maps with Soar and share them with the world!

What you will learn

How to upload your map data into a global atlas

How to search for and download maps in Soar

How to acquire free and paid satellite images to use in GIS projects

Learn the benefits to a wide variety of professionals in many fields


Soar is an exciting new mapping platform that I believe will change the way everyone searches, consumes and uses map based information. The bold mission of this software is to build a new digital atlas of all the maps. It is a platform that will allow everyone to find maps, ON a map. Once you try this you will be hooked, just as I was. And that is why I made this course. It’s great technology that map makers and everyday folks will soon use to get locationally relevant data. As a daily map maker, I am excited about what this software allows and want to share it with everyone.

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We cover all the basics of this software, like how to find maps, upload your own maps. We also dig into other ancillary software that you can use along with Soar, such as Pics from Space, QGIS, GIMP and Darktable. By the end of the course you will be uploading your own data and / or downloading other map information and learning about things all over the earth. The best part about Soar in my opinion is the way it brings people together around the globe. So come join me and I will teach you all about this great technology. I even kept the class to under 2 hours so you can watch for free. Cheers!



SOAR Basics

Getting Started with SOAR
Using the Visual Collaboration Tool


Getting Started with QGIS
Getting Started Quickly Using Pre-Made QGIS Layout Files
Creating Your Own Custom Layouts
How to Build a Labels Layer in QGIS

Working with Satellite Image Data in SOAR

The SOAR Satellite Tab
Downloading a Single “Good” (10m) Sentinel Image
Downloading Multiple “Good” (10m) Sentinel Images

Leveling Up our Images with GIMP and Darktable

Darktable Setup
Color Editing a Sentinel Image in Darktable
Color Correction with GIMP

Georeferencing a Map

What is Georeferencing and Why Does This Matter for SOAR Users?
How to Georeference using QGIS
How to Georeference using ArcGIS Pro

Uploading Your Maps into SOAR

Why Upload Your Work into SOAR?
Writing a Good Post Description with Examples
Easily Post Maps via Social Media
Embed Your Maps in a Website Using Simple HTML

SOAR Potential use Cases

Benefits to Drone Service Providers
The SOAR+ Plan
Hosting an Art Portfolio in SOAR
Hosting Map Based Research in SOAR

Pics from Space

Pics from Space Intro
Example PfS Images
Walkthrough of Buying an Image from Pics from Space