• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Discover the modern implementation of design patterns with #Java

What you will learn

They can make their code more flexible, reusable and maintainable

Refactor existing designs to use design patterns

They will learn with different scenario where then can apply the design patterns for the solutions of complex problems

Reason about applicability and usability of design patterns


Course Overview:

This course provides an overview of all the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns as outlined in their seminal book, together with modern-day variations, adjustments, discussions of intrinsic use of patterns in the language.

What are Design Patterns?

Design Patterns are reusable solutions to common programming problems. They were popularized with the 1994 book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, John Vlissides, Ralph Johnson and Richard Helm (who are commonly known as a Gang of Four, hence the GoF acronym).

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The original book was written using C++ and Smalltalk as examples, but since then, design patterns have been adapted to every programming language imaginable: C#, Java, PHP and even programming languages that aren’t strictly object-oriented, such as JavaScript.

What Patterns Does This Course Cover?

This course covers all the GoF design patterns. In fact, here’s the full list of what is covered:

  • Creational Design Patterns: Builder, Factories (Factory Method and Abstract Factory), Prototype and Singleton
  • Structural Design Patterns: Adapter, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, FaΓ§ade, Flyweight …many more.
  • Behavioral Design Patterns: Chain of Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, Iterator,  Observer, State, Strategy and Template Method many more.

Presentation Style

This course is presented as a (very large) series of live demonstrations along with the concepts  being done in Java language. Most demos are as project, so you can download the attached zipped folder of the lesson and run it in Eclipse IDE of your choice.

In the last section you will find some important points to remember always.(Rule of  Thumbs).



Welcome to the course
Why Design Patterns
Who am I
Types Of Design Patterns
Types of Design Patterns
Creational Design Patterns
Singleton design Pattern concept
Singleton Design Pattern Implementation
Factory Pattern Concept
Factory Design Pattern Implementation
Abstract factory design Pattern concept
Abstract Factory Design Pattern implementation
Prototype Design pattern concept
Prototype Design Pattern implementation
Builder Design Pattern Concept
Builder Design Pattern Implementation
Structural Design Pattern
Adapter Design Pattern concept
Adapter Design Pattern implementation
Bridge Design Pattern Concept
Bridge Design Pattern implementation
Composite Design Pattern concept
Composite Design Pattern implementation
Decorator Design Pattern Concept
Decorator Design Pattern implementation
Facade Design Pattern concept
Façade Design Pattern implementation
FlyWeight Design Pattern Concept
Flyweight Design Pattern Implementation
Behavioral Design Pattern
Chain of responsibility design pattern Concept
Chain Of Responsibility implementation
Iterator Design Pattern concept
Iterator Design Pattern Implementation
Observer design Pattern Concept
Observer Design Pattern implementation
Strategy Design Pattern
Strategy Design Pattern implementation
Template Design Pattern concept
Template Method implementation
Important Questions for interview
Important points to remember
What’s NEXT….!