Understand deep reinforcement learning and its applications
Build your own neural network
Implement 5 different reinforcement learning projects
Learn a lot of ways to improve your robot
Welcome to Deep Reinforcement Learning using python!
Have you ever asked yourself how smart robots are created?
Reinforcement learning concerned with creating intelligent robots which is a sub-field of machine learning that achieved impressive results in the recent years where now we can build robots that can beat humans in very hard games like alpha-go game and chess game.
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Deep Reinforcement Learning means Reinforcement learning field plus deep learning field where deep learning it is also a a sub-field of machine learning which uses special algorithms called neural networks.
In this course we will talk about Deep Reinforcement Learning and we will talk about the following things :-
- Section 1: An Introduction to Deep Reinforcement Learning
In this section we will study all the fundamentals of deep reinforcement learning . These include Policy , Value function , Q function and neural network.
- Section 2: Setting up the environment
In this section we will learn how to create our virtual environment and installing all required packages.
- Section 3: Grid World Game & Deep Q-Learning
In this section we will learn how to build our first smart robot to solve Grid World Game.
Here we will learn how to build and train our neural network and how to make exploration and exploitation.
- Section 4: Mountain Car game & Deep Q-Learning
In this section we will try to build a robot to solve Mountain Car game.
Here we will learn how to build ICM module and RND module to solve sparse reward problem in Mountain Car game.
- Section 5: Flappy bird game & Deep Q-learning
In this section we will learn how to build a smart robot to solve Flappy bird game.
Here we will learn how to build many variants of Q network like dueling Q network , prioritized Q network and 2 steps Q network
- Section 6: Ms Pacman game & Deep Q-Learning
In this section we will learn how to build a smart robot to solve Ms Pacman game.
Here we will learn how to build another variants of Q network like noisy Q network , double Q network and n-steps Q network.
- Section 7:Stock trading & Deep Q-Learning
In this section we will learn how to build a smart robot for stock trading.
An Introduction to Deep Reinforcement Learning
What is reinforcement learning?
Quiz for lecture 1
Policy , Value function and Q function
Lecture 2 quiz
What are Neural Networks?
Lecture 3 quiz
Optimal Q function
Lecture 4 quiz
Setting up the environment
creating anaconda environment
Gym package
Lecture 5 quiz
How to run the code of each section
Grid World Game & Deep Q-Learning
What is Grid World Game?
Lecture 7 quiz
How to use Grid World environment ?
Lecture 8 quiz
How to build your network ?
Lecture 9 quiz
How to Build your first Q network using pytorch ?
Lecture 10 quiz
How to make your neural network learn ?
Lecture 11 quiz
Exploration & Exploitation using epsilon greedy
Training your neural network using pytorch part1
Lecture 13 quiz
Training your neural network using pytorch part2
Batch training
Lecture 15 quiz
train on batches python code
reward metric
Lecture 17 quiz
Target nework
train your agent with target network python code
Lecture 19 quiz
Mountain Car game & Deep Q-Learning
Mountain car in python
Lecture 20 quiz
Dynamics network
Lecture 20 quiz
Epsilon Greedy strategy mountain Car game in python
Dynamics Network with python
Multi variate gaussian distribution
Lecture 21 quiz
Multivariate gaussian distribution with python
Model based exploration strategy with mountain car in python
What is ICM module ?
Lecture 27 quiz
Filter network
Lecture 28 quiz
Building Filter net python code
Inverse network
Lecture 30 quiz
Building Inverse net python code
Lecture 31 quiz
Forward network
Lecture 32 quiz
Building Forward network python code
Lecture 33 quiz
Building Agent Q network & Target Q network python code
Training Q network with ICM
Training Agent Q network with ICM python code
Lecture 36 quiz
What is RND module?
Lecture 37 quiz
Building P net & T net python code
Lecture 38 quiz
Training Agent Q network with RND module
Flappy bird game & Deep Q-learning
Flappy bird game
Flappy bird game python code
Building convolution Q network
conv Q network with epsilon greedy approach python code
2-steps Q network
2-steps Q network python code
Prioritized Experience Replay buffer
Prioritized Experience Replay buffer python code
Dueling Q network
Dueling Q network python code
Ms Pacman game & Deep Q-Learning
Ms Pacman game
Ms Pacman game python code
Basic Q network python code
N-steps Q network
N-steps Q network python code
Noisy Q network
Noisy Q network python code
Noisy double dueling Q network python code
Stock trading & Deep Q-Learning
Basics of Trading
Stock Data Preprocessing
Building the trading environment
Building dueling conv1d Q network
Train your trading robot