• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Basic understanding and application of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.

What you will learn

This course can help you to understand the dynamics of Critical Thinking and Decision Making.

Importance of Critical Thinking

Issue based problem solving

RED Model in Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking in Action


Critical Thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally. This involves one’s ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking without getting influenced by the past experiences or any prejudices. There are several aspects such as involved in arriving at a solution or an answer namely conceptualizing, observing intensely, applying based on the need of the situation. analysing in detail, synthesizing and critical evaluation. This not only implies just logic but broach intellectual criteria. The best part is questioning and challenging ideas so that we are able to arrive at the best decision possible.

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It is also important to make sure that there is credibility is taken care once we take decision in terms of how it affects every stakeholder in question. Right decision is taken only when there is perfect clarity and thought process. Decision must be based on the right information and facts only then the decision would be accurate. This would lead to precision and the next question is how relevant the decisions are hence we need to ensure depth, breadth, significance and intimately how fair are the decisions. This can happen only when we take in to account the ground realities and without forgetting the human aspect. There are times we need to listen to the heart in addition to listening to the mind.



what is Critical Thinking

Basic Understanding of Critical Thinking

Features of Critical Thinking

Features of Critical Thinking

Qualities of Great Thinkers

Basic Qualities of Great Thinkers.

Critical Thinking in Action

Critical Thinking in Action

Issue based problem solving

Issue based problem solving

RED Module in Critical Thinking

Basic understanding of RED Module