• Post category:StudyBullet-14
  • Reading time:4 mins read

A structured approach to planning and creating online courses

What you will learn

How to generate course ideas based on your knowledge

3 tools to quantify market demand for those ideas

Plan courses with a structured approach that ensures high quality

Discover free and low cost content creation tools

Create high converting landing pages for course promotion


Course planning and creation is an art that requires a structured approach from start to finish. The best course of action is to start generating a list of potential topics based on the person’s skill set. Quantifiable market research must be performed to measure demand for prioritized ideas to ensure the effort is worth it. Several spreadsheets are made available to use as guides to follow along with the course material.

Once the idea is chosen attention should be focused on defining a cohesive plan to link target audience, learning objectives, and course content, which might require trial and error. Content creation should be based on covering the basics first to ensure the student assimilates the information before moving on to more complex ideas, like setting bricks to build a wall. The use of case studies is recommended to illustrate the whole process being taught to clarify doubts that may come up along the way.

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Everything can be created using free and low cost tools. There’s no need to be an expert in graphic design or video recording to produce a high quality product.

The eLearning industry is growing at a fast pace because people want to acquire new skills online. This provides opportunity for entrepreneurs to create passive income for years to come.





Generating Course Ideas

Skills Mapping
Demand Research: Hashtags
Demand Research: Interests
Demand Research: Keywords
Choosing the Topic

Content Planning

Audience Definition
Title and Objectives
Modules and Lessons
Content Creation
Landing Page

Creation Tools

Cloud Storage
Other Tools
Payment Gateways

Costs and Setting the Price

Costs and Setting the Course Price