• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:6 mins read

What you will learn

What is a Computer

Generation of Computer

Basic Hardware & Software

Computer Input & Output Device

Computer Components

Type of Monitor

Keyboard & Mouse

Software & Operating System

Computer Connection & How to Computer Power ON


Computer Fundamental Basic Hardware & Software for Beginners. This course is designed for the people to knowledge about computer . After complete this course you will be knowledge about What is computer , computer generation, computer parts, parts features and how to computer cable connection with each other. After complete the course you will lean about the Monitor and function of different type of monitor like CRT, TFT, LCD and LED.

This course design basic information and this is necessary for all people.

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Computer Basics (Discussed about What is Computer, Advantage of Computer, Uses of Computer)

Generation Of Computer (Discussed about 5th Generation of computer)

Hardware & Software (Discussed about Computer Hardware and Computer Software, Different between hardware & Software)

Input & Output Device (Discussed about Computer Input and Output Devices and its functions)

Computer Component (Discussed about Motherboard and its function, CPU, CPU FAN, Ram & ROM, HDD and its function, ODD, SMPS)

Type of Monitor (CRT, TFT, LCD, LED, Different of Monitor and technology of the monitor.)

Keyboard & Mouse (Know about keyboard layout text key numeric key control key function key and some special keys.

Software & Operating System (Discussed about System Software and Application Software)

Computer Connection & POST (CPU Ports, how to connect Computer Cable, How to Power on Computer, what is POST)

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Computer Basic

Computer Basic

Generation Of Computer

Generation Of Computer

Hardware & Software

Hardware & Software

Input & Output Device

Input & Output Device

Computer Component

Computer Componant

Type of Monitor

Type of Monitor

Keyboard & Mouse

Keyboard & Mouse

Software & Operating System

Software & Operating System

Computer Connection & POST

Computer Power Cable Connection