Join this Masterclass and Become a color mixing PRO !

What you will learn

Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the color wheel

They will learn about primary, secondary, and tertiary colors.

The tutorial will delve into the concept of color temperature, teaching students how warm and cool colors interact.

Students will learn hands-on color mixing techniques. Starting from basic color combinations, they will progress to more advanced blending methods, gaining conf


Mastering the art of color mixing in painting is more than a technical skillβ€”it’s the key to unlocking a world of creative possibilities. For artists, this skill is not just about blending colors but about crafting a visual symphony that resonates with emotions and narratives. A canvas comes alive with the careful orchestration of a diverse palette, where precise hues and saturations create a tapestry of colors and tones, injecting vibrancy into every stroke.

To guide aspiring artists on this transformative journey, a meticulously crafted recorded course unfolds a series of step-by-step lessons, starting from the elemental basics. From the foundational principles of the color wheel to the nuanced exploration of temperature, participants embark on a profound exploration of the secrets behind warm and cool hues. This course doesn’t just scratch the surfaceβ€”it delves into the theoretical underpinnings of color mixing, providing a robust framework for understanding and experimentation.

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Each lesson is a building block, contributing to a seamless progression that empowers learners to effortlessly blend their own colors, bringing their artistic visions to life. This holistic approach ensures that participants not only acquire the technical skills but also cultivate a profound comprehension of the artistic principles at play. With its user-friendly structure, this course caters to artists of all levels, transforming the seemingly intricate art of color mixing into an accessible and enjoyable endeavor. Whether a novice or an experienced artist, participants emerge with not just newfound skills but a richer appreciation for the artistry inherent in color mixing, ready to infuse their creations with depth and brilliance.




Message from the Instructor
Color temperature
Primaries and Split Primaries

The Color Wheel

Modern and traditional color wheels
Mixing Complimentary colors
Why do we get muddy mixes?

Color Mixing from references

Mixing highlights, mid-tones and shadows