Topical Content and Hundreds of Resources for Exploring and Learning About Climate Change
What you will learn
Will have explored many of the most important topics for getting one’s head around the problem of climate change.
Will understand why climate change is such a difficult problem to tackle
Will understand how to approach climate change through the frame of “climate risk”
Will know where to look for hundreds of the best resources for exploring and better understanding climate change
Concerned about what climate change (or global warming) might mean for the future?Β Interested in finding resources that you can use to explore climate change for yourself?Β Climate change is a massive topic, and the sheer volume of available resources is a real challenge for teachers and students. Particularly when you get beyond the basic science of the greenhouse effect and global warming.
This course is not about basic science. This course is not based on official climate change curriculum guidelines, and does not try to replace or replicate the relevant content of science textbooks. Instead, it lets you leverage the 30+ years of your instructor’s work on understanding, tackling, and communicating climate change, and the many thousands of hours he’s spent curating climate change information that can facilitate teachers’ and students’ access to climate knowledge that is “actionable” for them.
This course includes both content authored by the instructor himself, as well as pointing teachers and students to a huge variety of age-appropriate resources for exploring almost any climate change topic in more depth, including books, videos, websites, quizzes, games, visualizations, and more. Almost anything you might be looking for when it comes to understanding and tackling climate change already exists, but randomly searching the internet is not a particularly useful way to find most of that information. You’re also just as likely to turn up climate change misinformation as information you should rely on.
Understanding climate change is critical today for all age groups, and this course is a great way for K-12 age groups to accomplish that goal much more easily than would otherwise be the case.