• Post category:StudyBullet-8
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Learn how to build blockchain applications using the Ethereum Blockchain from scratch

What you will learn

ome of the key skills that are taught in this course are an introduction to Ethereum, the full functionality of Ethereum, how it works, ERC20 tokens

Learn what are your C tokens, Ethereum wallets, how to set Ethereum wallet, how to trade and invest in Ethereum, futuristic prospects and opportunities

Learn introduction to apps, downloading mister and wallet and getting handsome on its functionality in detail, handsome on Ethereum, client creation on Ethereum

Learn note creation, introduction to geth, exploring geth options, working with geth console, API and a detailed hands-on on management API and Web3 API


There is a wide range of cryptocurrencies and blockchain options available in the market from which one can choose from. Ethereum is one such blockchain that is open source in nature and a public distributed computing platform that helps in providing decentralized virtual machines to the users. As the platform is public the level of security is less in it.

It helps in transferring the high volume of information in a fraction of time that is making it a favorable option for the industries. There is a requirement of nodes to execute the programs in it. With the use of blockchain technology, the scale of business organizations can be increased to many folds. The transfer rate of the technology is very high and it can help the organizations in achieving their goals very easily with the use of great technology.

There is a wide variety of skills that an individual will gain through this Ethereum Training. Some of the key skills that are taught in this course are an introduction to Ethereum, the full functionality of Ethereum, how it works, ERC20 tokens, what are your C tokens, Ethereum wallets, how to set Ethereum wallet, how to trade and invest in Ethereum, futuristic prospects and opportunities in the field of Ethereum and blockchain.

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Apart from the core skills and technology, one will also get the experience of introduction to apps, downloading mister and wallet and getting handsome on its functionality in detail, handsome on Ethereum, client creation on Ethereum, note creation, introduction to geth, exploring geth options, working with geth console, API and a detailed hands-on on management API and Web3 API, setting up a private blockchain.

Other skills that are included in this Ethereum Training are writing smart contracts, the structure of smart contracts, learning solidity, compiling and deploying smart contracts, booking smart contracts functions. Working on truffle and test RPC, testing using truffle, implementing an ERC20 token. With the use of these tremendous skills and technology, one can easily sail through the industry demands and ensure a great career in the field of blockchain and Ethereum development



Ethereum as a Cryptocurrency

Introduction to Ethereum as a Cryptocurrency
Evolution of Ethereum
Difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin
Similarities in Ethereum and Ether
How Ethereum Works
How Ethereum Works Continues
Understanding Hard Fork
Understanding Hard Forks and Ethereum
How is Ethereum Made
Ethereum Blockchain and Ethereum Virtual Machine
Setting up Ethereum Wallet
Features of Ethereum Wallets
Setting up Jaxx Wallet
Creating Ethereum Wallet
Analyzing Risks in Paper Wallet
Synthetic Paper and Waterproof Ink
Various Steps for Creating Wallet
Buying Ethereum for Wallet
Transfering Money out of Paper Wallet
Understanding the ERC20 Tokens
Functions of ERC20 Tokens
Relating ICOs with ERC20 Tokens
Understanding Gas Price and Gas Limit
Concept of Gas Price and its Transactions
Functions of Gas Price and Gas Lmits
Transaction Information in Etherscan
Examples for Gas Price and Gas Limit
Determining ERC20 ERC223 and ERC721
Investing and Trading Ethereum
Cryptocurrency Market Capitalization
Different Exchanges for Trading Ethereum
Percentage of Total Market Capitalization
Bitcoin and Ethereum Exchanges
Procedures of Coinbase Email
Trading with Poloniex Exchange
Transfering Ethereum Accounts to another Exchange
Functions in Poloniex Exchange
Buying and Selling Limit Orders
Converting Bitcoin to Ethereum Instantly
Benefits of Shapeshift Website
Tether for Buying and Selling Ethereum
Steps for Creating Tether Account
Margin Trading in Crypto Market
Ethereum Margin Trading
Calculating the Margin Value
Dash Margin Trading
Types of Orders in Crypto Market
Technical Analysis with Major Indicators and Oscillators
Different Types of Charts
Common Types of Candlesticks
Price Action to Chart Support
Learning the Trading Timeframe
Price Action to Chart Trend Lines
Types of Chart Patterns
Moving Averages Indicator
Differentiating and Analyzing the Chart
Moving Average Conversion Diversions
Characteristics of Bollinger Bands
Risk to Reward Ratio
Future Prospect and Oppurtunities in Ethereum