• Post category:StudyBullet-9
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Becoming mindful during your breast cancer journey

What you will learn

Understand the basic principles of mindfulness

Understand why mindfulness is important to help overcome the overwhelm of the breast cancer journey

Understand what living on auto pilot means

Understand how you can benefit from being fully present

Understand how mindfulness could help support their emotional overwhelm


This course is designed to provide an insight and understanding into the basic principles of mindfulness. The aim is that you will be able to see and appreciate the impact that mindfulness could have on your breast cancer journey and your life beyond cancer.

It is broken up into three core modules; the what, the why and the how mindfulness can have an impact on your life. With bite sized videos which are intended to enable you to gain a clearer understanding of the depth of mindfulness.

Mindfulness is so much more than just meditation of ‘being in the present moment’, and I really want to reach people who are intrigued, maybe want to know more but don’t want to invest into a full mindfulness programme. This course gives you a peek into some of the gems that can be found within the teachings of mindfulness and how this can have a positive impact on helping you manage your stress and anxiety in a more mindful way.

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In order to appreciate the fullness of Mindfulness this course taps into the overarching teachings and some of the key outcomes; such as having more clarity around your thoughts and emotions.

The intention is that this course will give you a desire to understand more and dive into the world of mindfulness and discover the magic for yourself.




Introduction & Reflection

What’s Mindfulness all about?

Understanding Mindfulness

Why Mindfulness can help during the breast cancer journey

Why Mindfulness is important for the breast cancer journey

How it can change your attitude, your emotions and your life!

Auto Pilot

Thoughts & Feelings

Feel the feelings
Thoughts and feelings