Basic creation and animation of a baby in illustrator and AE
What you will learn
☑ Create a basic animation in after effects
☑ Create a basic model or vector based picture in illustrator
☑ Find a job in animation studios
☑ Teach others on various platforms, easily.
I am a student and I learn Adobe apps by Adobe Certified Instructors.
Check my youtube channel out: blazing sanjay
Have experience With many softwares like Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro, After Effects, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Blender.
I have been Teaching Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro, After Effects, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Blender to many people like my Friends and Family.
Basic creation and animation of a baby in illustrator and AE
AE 2020 AI 2020
Check my channel out: blazing sanjay
I take tutorials from adobe certified instructors like Dan Scott.
I Have experience With many softwares like Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro, After Effects, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Blender.
I have been Teaching Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro, After Effects, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Blender to many people like my Friends and Family.
On youtube I uploaded some Tutorials make sure you check that out!
I have been using Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro, After Effects, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Blender for a long time.
I have so much experience in all of these fields.
I use MacOS High Sierra for more Productivity, You can trust me
I kind of have so very much experience in all of these fields, which essentially shows that i Have experience With definitely many softwares like
Final specifically Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro, After Effects, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Blender in a fairly big way.
WorkFlow in Illustrator.
Basic Navigation And Curvature Tool-Chapter 1
Ellipse and Isolation Tool-Chapter 2
Creating the Hair-Chapter 3
Solving some Problems and moving Shapes to layers
WorkFlow in After Effects
Animating in after effects
Website To download vector images
Creating an Another baby
Creating An Another Baby
What is Raster and Vector Image
Raster And Vector
Distort and Liquify in illustrator
Liquify and Distort