Learn How to Design a Responsive Card and How Responsive Text Works

What you will learn

How to use Auto Layout

How to create a Responsive Card

How to organize content using Auto Layout

How Auto Layout is used for Responsive Design

Why take this course?

Auto Layout is what makes Figma special and so fun to use. However, it is not as easy as it may seem and can be quite challenging to learn, especially if you are designing responsive layouts.

What makes this course unique is that it is built around a hands-on approach. Practice makes perfect, right? That’s why I put huge emphasis on guided practice.

Nonetheless, don’t be discouraged even if you are just starting out because this is a step-by-step course designed for beginners. It aims to gradually introduce essential concepts, which are explained in detail, significantly simplifying the learning process.

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Once you finish, you will have the experience and knowledge required for creating a responsive card and using it in responsive layouts. Note that when you feel comfortable creating a responsive card, you will be able to use the same approach for creating any other object you want. Additionally, you’ll learn best practices and how to troubleshoot designs that don’t work.

Remember, this is a beginner-friendly course. Each and every step will be explained and covered in detail so that you can easily follow along with me.

I really hope that you will consider joining, and I look forward to seeing you inside.
