• Post category:StudyBullet-14
  • Reading time:12 mins read

Learn the Concepts and Create Real Life Razor Pages, Web API and MVC CRUD Applications Using ASP.NET 6.0

What you will learn

The students will learn everything that is critical in the ASPNET Core 3.1 framework. They will learn middleware, model-binding, session and state management

Practical hands-on application with Razor pages and MVC templates

The students will learn a critically demanding topic of creating their own web Api with a real SQL database to perform CRUD operations.

They will then learn to create the client MVC application within the same Visual Studio solution to consume the API created in the previous section.

The students will learn adodotnet technology and use of stored procedures in a database for CRUD operations.


Hi there, I am Kaushik Roy Chowdhury. I am a Microsoft Certified Professional and hold a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Auckland University of  Technology (AUT), New Zealand.

I have worked in the software development industry in New Zealand with some eminent companies on various permanent and contract assignments.

These are some of latest reviews for this course:

“Excellent course with explaining each and every thing very clearly. I recommend this to have this course. Also kaushik it would be great if we may have some courses with JWT and UI in React,or if it is already there then requesting you to share the course link.” – Ankita

“An Excellent Course”  – Mohamed Cisse

“Loving his class.” – Anna Mann

“I’m Alfred and I must say I really love this course and it a blessing to me because this is what I’ve always wanted . thank you Udemy”  – Alfred Kporhor

Are you are a passionate software developer or an eager student of software with a passion for learning new cutting edge technology products, desiring to find your way through this ever-evolving and new web framework? This course will allow you to use ASP.NET Core 3.1 professionally for creating web applications using all the three project templates: Razor pages, Web API, and MVC.

At the time of originally creating this course, ASP.NET Core 3.1 was the current and latest stable framework version that forms the foundation of this course. However, Microsoft has released the ASP.NET 6.0 at the .NET conference held in early November 2021 which is the current and Long Term Support version. So keeping in line with this release, I have shown the migration of the major project in the course: Creating a Web API and Consuming it with an MVC Client from ASP.NET Core 3.1 to ASP.NET 6.0 Hence I have decided to rename the course to keep in sync with the latest version.

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All the other projects can be migrated to ASP.NET 6.0 similarly. As the two videos on migration shows, the migration process is straightforward. That is the reason I have renamed the course to reflect that all the projects can be migrated to ASP.NET 6.0 with minimal effort.

This course begins with the objective to walk through the learner with the building of a few important ASP.NET Core concepts through coding example projects in Visual Studio 2019.

The course then leads them to build a Razor app to-do list with an in-memory collection. The same application is then built with MVC concepts to perform a comparative study between the two technologies.

Thereafter, the highlight of this course appears with a real-life project spanning over two sections and multiple lectures. The first section shows the building of a web API with sequential stages and hands-on coding and explanation. The Web API uses ADOdotNET technology and SQL Server database with Stored Procedures. Entity framework has not been used because of two main reasons: There are plenty of courses and articles showing the use of Entity Framework Core (EF Core) in the market place. Secondly, ADO technology is what EF Core is built upon and proven to be at least as good performance-wise. Lastly, I have now introduced a section that shows how to use EF Core to build a Web API using ASP.NET 6.0. So the learners have a chance to learn both the popular technologies for applications that are database-driven.

The Web API has Serilog NuGet package integrated for structured error logging in text files. This project follows a repository pattern which is a best practice in Web development.

The second section (part) shows the consumption of the Web API by an ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC application for CRUD operations (as the front end). This application saves and retrieves to/from the database used by the Web API thereby extending the idea for learners to consume public API’s through an in-house MVC client.

I have now added a section at the end on Creating a Web API with ASP.NET 6.0 using EF Core – Code First Approach.

The entire course has got a number of assignments, quizzes, and a practice test spread over the sections to self-assess learning.

Downloadable code samples and links to free external resources have been provided wherever felt necessary.




Course Descriptor and Scope
Setting Up the Development Environment

Create and Take a Deep dive into Your First ASP.NET Core 3.1 Application

Understanding the New Look Project File
The Program Class and Host Object
The Startup Class – How to Configure Services
The Startup Class – Defining the Middleware Pipeline
How Razor Pages Generate Response
Section Summary

Middleware in ASP.NET Core 3.1

About Middleware
Asynchronous Programming through Console Application
Request Delegate Usage for Inline Middleware
Create Your Custom Middleware
Understand the Behavior on Combining Middleware
Test Your Middleware Knowledge

Detailed look into the into Razor Pages and MVC Application

Create a ToDo List Razor Pages Application
Build a Complete MVC ToDo List Application

Model Binding in ASP.NET Core

Model Binding Introduction
Integrating Microsoft GitHub Repository Sample Code

State Management in ASP.NET Core

What is State Management of a Web Application ?
Cookies for State Management
State Management (Session State)
Query Strings for State Management
Hidden Fields for State Management

Coding Project Part 1: Build a Web API

Introduction: Build and Consume a Web API using ASP.NET Core and ADO.NET
Create a Web API
Understand the SQL Server Database Tables
Understand the Stored Procedures for CRUD operation
Create the Customer Model Class
Create the Order Model Class
Create the ICustomerRepository Interface
Create the IOrderRepository Interface
Edit the appsettings.json File to Include the Connection String
Error Logging in Web Api Project
Integrating Serilog for Web Api Logging
Create a Customer Repository
Completing Customer Repository CRUD Methods
Create an Order Repository
Completing Order Repository CRUD Methods
Registering in Startup Class
Creating the Home Controller
Creating the Customer Controller
Creating the Order Controller

Coding Project: Consume the Web API Using an ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC Client

Create an ASP.NET Core MVC Project
Inspect the wwwroot
The Shared Folder
Views Folder – Other Files
Controllers Folder
Models Folder
Create the Customer and Order Classes
Edit the Layout File
Configuring the Startup Class
Modify the Home Controller
Install Nuget Packages
Edit Home Controller Index View
Create the Customer Controller
Create the Index View (Customer Controller)
Create the GetCustomer Action Methods
Create the View to Get Customer By Id
Add Validation Attributes to Customer Class
Create AddCustomer Action Methods
Server Side Validation with AddCustomer View
Client Side Validation of Customer Model
Create UpdateCustomer Action Methods
Create UpdateCustomer View
Create the DeleteCustomer Action Method
Test Your Knowledge on MVC Project Structure
SQL Script Quiz
Create the Order Controller
Create Index View (Order Controller)
Create GetOrder Action Methods
Create GetOrder View
Add Validation Attributes to Order Class
Create AddOrder Action Methods
Create the AddOrder View
Testing Validation of Order Form Inputs
Create UpdateOrder Action Methods
Create the UpdateOrder View
Create the DeleteOrder Action Method

Bonus: Migrating the Project to ASP.NET 5

How to Migrate the Web API/MVC Project to ASP.NET 5.0 ?