• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Visual Studio Productivity Strategy

What you will learn

How to integrating Angular with the ASP .Net Core framework

Passing WebAPI exception information back to the client

Opening Developer Tools Automatically

Setting TypeScript Breakpoints in Visual Studio

Multiple Angular Projects, Same Codebase

Scope to This

Performance Markers

Quicker Deployment using Visual Studio

Visual Studio File Nesting

Expand-Collapse TypeScript Regions


In this video series, we will concentrate on increasing your productivity in Visual Studio. Most of these subjects are misunderstood, or not quite developed enough for a course on the Integration of the Angular and ASP.Net Core. But as a Microsoft developer, you need to know how to be the most productive using Visual Studio.

The topics, in this series, are general, and not necessarily directed to the integration of Angular. These topics will apply to any modern front-end framework when integrating with ASP.Net Core. It is important enough, and can save you time, so let’s get started uncovering these time savings features of Visual Studio and ASP.Net Core.

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Increasing Your Productivity in Visual Studio
WebAPI Exceptions
Opening Developer Tools Automatically
Integrated Debugging TypeScript with .Net
Multiple Angular Projects, Same Codebase
Scope to This
Performance Markers
Starting without Building C#
Quicker Deployment using Visual Studio
Visual Studio File Nesting
Expand-Collapse TypeScript Regions
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