Material ui forms components json server services restapi form validation

What you will learn

Angular basics and fundamentals

Angular Material UI

CRUD operation in Angular

JSON Server


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  • Standalone components.
  • Multi-Route Application.
  • Router unwraps default imports.
  • Functional router guards.
  • Directive Composition API.
  • Image directive.
  • Better stack traces.
  • The release of MDC-based components to stable.he Angular Team ensured that the standalone APIs were ready to graduate and that the standalone components worked across Angular. They are now fully working in HttpClient, Angular Elements, router, and more.In Angular 15, using the standalone components allows working in synchronization with the HTTP with client routers, angular elements, and many more.

    As it has become stable, it allows bootstrapping an application in a single component. To do the same, we can directly import the bootstrap application from the platform browser and make it over to the component. Also, using the import function allows us to reference standalone directly into the pipes, and thus, we can mark component pipe and directive as standalone true.Angular is a complete framework of JavaScript. It provides Testing, animation and Accessibility. It provides full stack development along with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.

    1. Testing: Angular provides Karma and Jasmine for unit testing. B y using it, you can check your broken things every time you save. Karma is a JavaScript test runner tool created by Angular team. Jasmine is the testing framework form unit testing in Angular apps, and Karma provides helpful tools that make it easier to us to call our Jasmine tests whilst we are writing code.
    2. Animation Support: Angular facilitates you to create high-performance, complex choreographies and animation timelines with very little code through Angular’s intuitive API.
    3. Accessibility: In Angular, you can create accessible applications with ARIA-enabled components, developer guides, and built-in a11y test infrastructure.




Material UI Components

Material ui components
Real time example Project
Grid List