• Post category:StudyBullet-8
  • Reading time:4 mins read

A series of lectures for beginners in Ancient history, first civilization, culture, kingdom and philosophy

What you will learn

Basics of Ancient History


First Civilization and Plantation

Rise and role of Empires


This course is about ancient history and the first civilization, students who want to learn about our history should learn from this course, and especially those who are interested in UPSC exam, state public service commission exam, and other competitive exams will get benefited from this course, In this course, we will learn step by step that how humans first started their journey towards evolution, what kings and their kingdoms had done in past, what were they stredgycially did in wars and how did they conquer states and diverse their empiror, everything will be illustrated with the help of maps diagrams textuals and in most well-understanding ways like documenting video shots and much more, you will surely like this course and can access to the resources attached with this course in case of any query and question in between the course you can interact with me I will be there for you and wish you give us feedback and share this course to your other friends and will make more such courses in future and you can access my other course like computer graphics so with all that again I wish you all the very best, and that for checking out this course hope you enroll too

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First Civilization in History

Birth of Human (First Rise)
Discovery of Bronze
Egypt the powerful Nation
Times of Great King
Ramese II Hatti
Fall of Troy and collapse of bronze age
Chinese Dynasties

Iron Age

Iron age and Trade
Faith system
Soloman’s Empire
Assyria new superpower
Cyrus the Persian King
Stretch of Persian Empire to Hindu Kush and Central Asia