• Post category:StudyBullet-8
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Address Bus, Data Bus, Control Bus, ALU and Memory

What you will learn

Engineering Students

GATE and other entrance exam aspirants

Placement interview prepration

Embedded System Developers


8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor.

It is one of the most widely learnt microprocessors in the world.

In this course you will get the beginner’s clarification about the following aspects

1) Address bus of 8086

You will understand how the 20 bit address bus leads to 1 MB of memory

2) Data bus of 8086

You will understand how the 16 bit data bus makes 8086 much faster than 8085

3) ALU of 8086

You will understand how the 16 bit ALU classifies 8086 as a 16 bit microprocessor

4) Control Signals M/IO#, RD# and WR#

You will understand how these signals decide the machine cycles to be performed

5) Memory accessed by 8086

You will understand memory addresses and the little endian rule to store data

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All lectures are taught by Bharat Acharya

The PDF provided along with the course contains full description of the topics.

For any further doubts you are adduced to mail the tutor Bharat Acharya at the following email ID or on my given contact information. Will be happy to assist.


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My other courses on UDEMY…

Basic Course: Introduction to microprocessors

8051 Introduction: Introduction to 8051 Microcontroller

8051 Architecture: Detailed study of 8051 Architecture

8085 Multiple Choice Qs: Nearly 100 solved multiple choice questions and answers for exam preparation




Address Bus
Data Bus
Control Bus