• Post category:StudyBullet-14
  • Reading time:3 mins read

वैदिक मैथ्स हिंदी भाषा में सभी प्रकार की शैक्षणिक कक्षाओं के लिए और सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए शॉर्ट ट्रिक्स। Vedic

What you will learn

Vedic maths calculation tricks

Vedic maths square tricks

Multiplication tricks

Basic understanding of vedic maths and formula making


वैदिक मैथ्स हिंदी भाषा में सभी प्रकार की शैक्षणिक कक्षाओं के लिए और सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए शॉर्ट ट्रिक्स। ये वीडियो आपके गणित की गणना को गति देने में आपकी सहायता करेंगे।

इस कोर्स को तीन वर्गों में विभाजित किया गया है-

1. वैदिक गणित के वर्ग करने की ट्रिक (Vedic maths Square tricks)

2. वैदिक गणित से गुणा करने की ट्रिक (Vedic maths multiplication tricks)

3. वैदिक गणित से घन, जोड़ और घटाव करने की ट्रिक (Vedic maths Cube, addition and Subtraction tricks)

Hello friends in this course you will learn about maths fundamental and concepts and specially some awesome tricks, those will help you to grow your knowledge and speed with accuracy.

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Enjoy this course with your family and friends and please don’t forget to share your review.

Hello friends in this course you will learn about maths fundamental and concepts and specially some awesome tricks, those will help you to grow your knowledge and speed with accuracy.

Enjoy this course with your family and friends and please don’t forget to share your review.

Hello friends in this course you will learn about maths fundamental and concepts and specially some awesome tricks, those will help you to grow your knowledge and speed with accuracy.

Enjoy this course with your family and friends and please don’t forget to share your review.



Square Tricks

Square of any two digit number
Square of two digit number -2
Square of any three digit number
Square formula magical trick
Square trick for competitive exams

Multiply Tricks

Multiply Tricks-1
Multiply Tricks-2
Multiply Tricks-3
Multiply Tricks-4
Multiply Tricks-5

Cube and Cube root Vadic Tricks

Cube root trick
Cube trick
Extra Calculation tricks
Addition and Subtraction trick