• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:4 mins read

What you will learn


Define what wellbeing is


Understand physical well being and the benefits


Understand mental well being and the benefits


How to stay healthy


Employee well being ideas for the workplace


Today, more than ever before, a focus on wellness and wellbeing is the new norm for the workplace. This is mainly due to the wave of employees currently entering the job market; the millennials and Gen Zs. With good reason, these employees are looking for work environments that cater to their flexible, yet wellness-focused lifestyles. Of course, at its core, the concept of workplace wellness is for everyone. From top-level management to C-level employees, every individual can gain from a better working environment.

An average employee spends approximately 50 hours of their week at work. That’s about one-third of one’s waking life every year. Furthermore, workers will consume about one-third of all their meals at work. The workplace has almost become like a second home for most of us.

It makes sense that the work environment should be a place where employees can feel comfortable, valued, and nurtured. After all, if work is only stressful and over-demanding with no respite, this can lead to severe problems, both mentally and physically. In turn, the issues that result will be negative for employees and their livelihoods. But they’re also bad for the organizations they work for.

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In distinct settings, the term workplace wellness can mean different things. Generally speaking, it refers to a work environment conducive to the health and well-being of all employees and others within it.

In Fit for Work, we will explain what workplace wellness represents when done right and the many benefits you can expect from cultivating workplace wellness.








Wellbeing and Physical Wellbeing

Mental Wellbeing

What is mental wellbeing?
Dealing with mental health challenges

Staying Healthy

Staying Healthy