Transform your perception, life & mental state through understanding and applying the 7 Governing Laws of the Universe
What you will learn
Learn in detail about the 7 Governing Laws of the Universe
Understand the fundamentals of Hermetic Philosophy
Learn how each principle influences your perception of your life and mental state
Understand the mysterious art of Mental Transmutation
Learn how to take control over your mind through utilising and understanding each principle
Understand how to utilise each principle to transform your perception resulting in a happier state of being
“The principles of truth are seven, he who knows these understandingly processes the magic key before whose touch all doors of the temple fly open” – The Kybalion
Through this course, you will gain the knowledge required to understand how you can utilise the 7 Governing Laws of the Universe to transform your perception resulting in lasting changes to your life and mental state.
Through detailed lectures, assignments, quizzes and external resources, this course will cover:
An overview of Hermeticism, including what it is, who Hermes was, what his principles are and the mysterious art of mental transmutation
A detailed look at the 7 Governing Laws of the Universe and the influence they have over your perception, life and mental state; and finally
How you can utilise each of the 7 Governing Laws of the Universe to transform your perception resulting in a happier more fulfilling life and mental state
If you find yourself:
Being drawn to Hermeticism or Theology;
Feel unmoved or unfulfilled through reading traditional self help books;
Feel lost without a sense of purpose; or if
You are burdened with emotions or thoughts that you don’t like but can’t shake
Then this course is for you.
So, what are you waiting for? Enrol today to Master your Mind through understanding and applying the 7 Hermetic Principles.
In the words of the Kybalion:
“He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on The Path to Mastery”
Introduction to the 7 Governing Laws of the Universe
The Universal Principle of Mentalism
The Universal Principle of Correspondence
The Universal Principle of Vibration
The Universal Principle of Polarity
The Universal Principle of Rhythm
The Universal Principle of Cause & Effect
The Universal Principle of Gender