CSS and HTML working together to create web templates and more. Create a webpage from scratch web development course.

What you will learn

write HTML code

write CSS code

combine HTML and CSS

Create a web template

Create a website

Style a website

Create an HTML5 form



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Web development Introduction and resources

Introduction to the course and what you will learn
Web development Resources

Learn HTML

How to write HTML code setup
Create an HTML paragraph element
HTML page structure
Add comments to an HTML page
HTML webpage template
Create a title
HTML Common HTML tags
Create an HTML paragraph element
HTML list and Tables
HTML images hyperlinks
Add an image to a webpage
HTML common tags div span
Create an id for an HTML element
HTML add styling
Add a style element
HTML form types and fields
HTML5 structuring
Create an unordered list
HTML bringing it all together as a template
Add a simple inline style to an element

CSS styling of HTML code

What is CSS and how to you use it
Define a style to remove underlines from all hyperlinks
Create CSS code
CSS template example external CSS
CSS selectors Divs Spans and colors
CSS working with Text and wording
CSS code examples
CSS Box model
Define a CSS style to set the padding for a specific class
How the box model works
CSS management grouping nesting pseudo classes
Create a style for a nested element
Working with Backgrounds
CSS display property
CSS Pseudo Elements
Use CSS with HTML to create a web template
CSS HTML web Template design explained
Example CSS HTML template code

Bonus Section

Bonus Lecture