Overcoming and Managing Reactive Attachments Disorder
Reactive attachment disorder is a complex issue for most parents to understand but this course explains it brilliantly!

What you will learn

Reactive Attachment Disorder Theory

The Science Behind Attachment Disorder Theory

The Causes of Attachment Disorder Theory

Techniques and Treatments to Attachment Disorder Theory


Reactive attachment disorder can be a very emotionally wrangling issue for parents and families alike. Learning the signs of it are crucial especially if you can preempt the signs of the disorder. Often the child themselves don`t understand what they are going through and so it is important for everyone around the child to understand the condition more. This course gives the learner exactly that.

It’s challenging to provide an exact prevalence or “amount” of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) on a global scale because several factors contribute to the difficulty in obtaining accurate statistics:

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  1. Underdiagnosis and Misdiagnosis: RAD can be underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to its complexity and the potential overlap of symptoms with other mental health conditions. Additionally, some cases of attachment difficulties may not meet the specific criteria for RAD.
  2. Variability in Diagnostic Criteria: Diagnostic criteria for RAD may vary across different countries and healthcare systems. This can impact consistency in identification and reporting.
  3. Limited Research: There is limited research on the global prevalence of RAD, and available data may not accurately reflect the true extent of the disorder.
  4. Cultural Differences: Cultural factors can influence the expression of attachment-related behaviors, and what might be considered typical or problematic can vary across cultures.
  5. Challenges in Identifying Cases: Many cases of RAD are associated with early childhood adversity, neglect, or trauma. Identifying and quantifying these experiences globally can be challenging due to underreporting, lack of awareness, and differences in reporting systems.

While specific global prevalence rates for RAD are not readily available, it is recognized as a relatively rare disorder. It often occurs in the context of early adversity, including institutionalization, neglect, or repeated changes in caregivers during a child’s formative years.

If you are interested in more specific and up-to-date information on the prevalence of Reactive Attachment Disorder in a particular region or country, you may want to refer to published studies, reports from health organizations, or consult mental health professionals and experts in that area. Keep in mind that accurate prevalence rates can be elusive due to the complexities associated with the disorder and the factors mentioned above.
